the dead rabbits against the native americans, same as ever. but it'll all be settled today. what do you think? no! he tries to shove monk away from his father, when the native warrior intervenes. no, pa! get away! get away! where will my father rest? my father won't be buried with everyone else. he'll lie separate in fresh ground, facing east. he'll face east for the second coming of christ. i'll do for myself, jack. what's the cost to bury my father proud and proper? how much? no. that's owed another. later. help me. come on! help me, goddamn it! i paid cornelius for my father to rest in honor. he told me i had to wait on a permit, but he only wanted time to. amsterdam. vallon. i told you. got none. no more. city. but every time you bring me back. you got to come further to catch me. head straight out, then turn for the current. close enough. you're lost. i doubt it's worth the water it's floating in. i'll make it back for you whatever it is, once we're in the city. just keep sailing, or we're all done for. does shang have the sand to ever go against the natives? if he only acts, held be better on the stage. like her. shes his mort, is she, as well as his best provider? yeah? and why is that? i mean, why give at all? why don't they keep for themselves? i got no place anyway, and you got no gang. this ain't a gang, no matter what you say. it's a mob. still smiling, are you? i hardly knew you under that hat, jack. is that sand we've just seen? i've got my own way to go, why don't you find yours? well, if you shut up a while maybe it'd come on its own. now what the hell's that? so if tammany's the best, go with tammany. what are you running with this mob for? what are you thinking? let me in if you ever get it figured. i'll go on my own from here. here. just for the silk. may i walk with you a little, then? got no one to spy for. i'm an appreciator, you might say. a good touch. just take a minute, i was just. what about shang's rules? you pay a lot over to him. the better your day, the better his. it don't seem gute right. give him this. and you can keep a little more of what you earned. i got my own touch. it's your rules, right? so you decide. it should be hangin' off jack's vest, then. not here, like some war flag. if it's free, how come we pay so much? wo shouldn't pay for what's our due. so then. hello, happy jack. i'm the one you're looking for. never mind giving orders. what were you giving this for? i got this at the hanging. it was charles mcgloin's. everybody here saw you take it from jenny. what was mcgloin doing with it? what'd you give it to him for? i gaw you give it to him. last week, behind the old brewery. what about stepping up in the world, as it were, and leaving the rest of us behind. there's a reason. making a separate arrangement for yourself with the one native so stupid and luckless that he got hung. that's you to the ground, shang. bene. we'll see. any of you that believes i did proper by happy jack mulraney tonight, stand beside me. any of you that still likes shang's way with the cops, and shang's way with the natives, go to him. or should we settle right now, you and me, and just see which of us is left standing? what's your pleasure, shang? this mob ever have a proper name? we're the dead rabbits from now. they were the best. they were history. they were legend, and we'll live up to them. what's this then? maybe i was, yeah. sure enough to wait, anyway. waiting don't cost nothing. alright. stay then. one way or another, i get what i want. you're a gypsy, are you, come to tell my fortune? go ahead then. tell me what i'm wanting. it's just i can't look away, that's all. bill poole. 'cause he's mine, that's why. i'll take his one eye, and then the rest of him, piece by small piece. he'll know about me soon enough. you. you'll be in love with me. that's taking love, not giving it. i want it to be just you and me, no one else for either. 'cause none of us means nothing in life except one to the other. we'll see. and what about the meantime? the irish is too busy building up tammany. that's where their brains and muscle goes. once they're inside with their cronies, they turn on their own outside. tammany'd steal the air and rent the daylight if they could. i ain't seen their ned yet. yeah? well, it's ned anyway. just make sure you count it when we get it. not for a minute. we're better than that. we're thieves. once? come here and do your duty. line up like soldiers! you explain their democratic right. illl see they unterstand. who the hell's this? our own tammany man. we are coming along. happy to meet any friend of johnny siroccols. best but one? who's better? i'm in no race. just pay us what you owe. come on, what are you saying? if you don't know us now, you'll know us tomorrow and you'll be working for us next week. the hell we do. second, eh? you don't say so. what? did you know this? is this some scheme of yours? i was working the same side as the natives? the natives? i sure as hell don't fear him. and i sure as hell won't stand with him, or any who calls him one of theirs. where is he? where's bill the butcher? what? fine. why? this is no game, you and me. don't go on like it's a game. mr. poole! bill poole! my compliments on your exhibition, sir. it was like watching a dance. some great grand goddamned dance. you know me, sir. no. a father. amsterdam. indeed. and to my other name. vallon. will you drink to that? not worthy of you. those dogs ain't worthy of you. you ain't worth what they feed on, and what they shit's too good for you. i got to give you something, butcher. something from my father. no thanks. no. i'm beholden enough to you as it is. i don't like to be beholden. i'd like it if there was. a collaboration. the dead rabbits got to get strong before we make another move. i figure you're the one to make us strong. there's a lot we can learn from you. the dead rabbits is going to be glorious again. we're going to reign over the points. nothing. they won't have tongues left to speak. then you say no? everything i got is still to come. so i guess it's on my own, then. bound to. are they coming? indeed they are, just for the moment. let them come. happy to have them. everyone's welcome in a house of god, isn't that right, reverend? but if the natives do come, father. there's no accounting for what may follow. so you accept? you accept to be my mort and no one else's. it's not the butcher, it's the dancing. it shifts my face all around. i will if we're together later. and what about after that? after tonight? i'll have tonight. but after this don't come to me no more till you're ready. no more. who is it? come on in. just a damn minute. what do you want? oh, jesus, johnny, i'm tired. how about sometime else? you want to tell me what this fight's over? is it the butcher? jenny? alright, alright. then tell me why like this? satisfied? enough. that's it then. goddamn it. goddamn you anyway. johnny worked it out to a nickel less than the natives. just till we're established. then we raise it a penny more than now. you say, then. except us. you opening a charity? they can afford it. from the natives, maybe. but not from us. you only pay us. we see you safe from everyone. maybe i should offer johnny as a bouncer for your busy nights. he's got his own ideas. too full of tammany, maybe, but he's a fast friend. go on. i can see you later. megs leaves, brushing past jenny. i couldn't decline what mother joyce offered. it's in the interests of business. you understand business. yeah. i did. oh fine. that's fine. i'd be celebrating but i'm losing too much blood. that don't work. so why so sudden, then? it's the whore did it, then. it's because you're jealous. christ, i wish i had. come here, then. i don't care, i'm not getting up. what? or you don't wake up at all. it's not a threat. it's a declaration of love. what's this? where'd you get this? what is this place? i don't see nobody. you're off your head. it's a lot to fence. where would that be? that's a hard journey for a woman alone. you got it all planned and straight, is that it? nothing. except there's no place but here for me right now. i got to settle things. you don't have my obligations. who from? you live here? i mean in the city. a ways north, i'll bet. some of who? no danger. but you will pay extra. let's go and greet some natives. alright, then? oh really? just the entertainment you favor, is it? pardon me for a moment, gents. you wanted to settle, you and me. that's so, isn't it? you did agree, did you not. good, because i didn't want to act hasty. i can never tell for sure what you're thinking, and sometimes i'm not always sure what you're saying. excuse me. we'll conclude in a moment. where do you settle? i'm asking, where does anyone settle? a home yes. well, i'm saying to you then, jenny everdeane, welcome home. fine place. room enough for all. get them out of here. with whose help? the natives? they won't help these flourishing bastards even for ned. tell any who wants they can stay. if they can't pay rent they can join the gang. but make sure the best rooms go to us. look around . you trusting me with your treasure, then? i could use this, too. are you sure we can trust your mother? he never had his own cross. thanks. your touch is light, but as a tracker you work awful heavy. come ahead. now that i met your mother, you should come and meet my father. it'll be finished when everything's finished. that's when helll rest. the hand that killed him is the hand that will bury him in peace. with my hand on the knife. and me feeling the life go out of my father! he looked at me . he looked at me and he swore me with his eyes. i could feel his spirit. i say i could feel it rising. flowing through the knife like blood into my own heart. i don't want him to live, i want him dead! i kill bill and i'm free of them both! you're part of me now, like the gang is part of me and my father both. if i can bring us to glory, then my father. like the book says. my father can enter his house justified. all of us is set on the same road together. the gang can have everything they ever wanted and get me what i want while they're doing it. we're not interfering with each other, we're helping each other. it's all the same, we're all one together. we'll all have a share of the profit like we'll all have a portion of the fame. if we come to be notorious, that only means we're strong, and if we're strong that means we're ready. and i'll know that time, know it right off when it comes. just like i knew you. now! finish him now! because there's never been a dead rabbit fighting before. there'll be worse than shaming. we only got the natives in range. that don't matter any more. you call that strong, john? this is our time now! to the death. if he can stand up to it. come on, bill! let go of your tammany wet nurse! my challenge, your terms. i remember it better from another time. he wasn't tammany. not like you. you don't know what you're saying! you killed one of our own. one of your family! nobody. this is a day of honor. no pickpockets, no lush-rollers, nothing. that must be the vanguard of barnum's army. then we'll take what we can before it gets too hot. it'll never come to that. these people ain't gang-led and they have no purpose. fight better and not get so mad. they're only doing what they should have done years ago. why'd they ever think there was another way to live? what people is that? the reverend at the mission? boss tweed? daniel killoran? people like johnny sirocco? hell. i ain't done nothing different than what i told you, jen. i don't care a fine damn about what they want! it's what i want! they won't dare harm the points, that's all i care about! let them turn the rest of the city into hell! it's another country anyway. not now. i don't want all this fighting to go to waste, jen. i want to come out of it with something. and i got to be waiting for the butcher. no we ain't going to fight, but we can take something for ourselves out of this. five thousand people in the street done it! boss tweed done it! abe lincoln done it! there's nothing you can do about any one of them but stay with us. you'll have a little of your own back. these riots are a gift. they. they've made everything clear, as you might say. are you with us, then? good. we're going for the armory at canal street. there's a way through the lines. jen, did you see the cops and militia? we'll get there first. we'll take everything we can carry, and destroy the rest so no one else has the use of it, the militia, the natives, nobody. then we'll turn to real business. we'll go down to the battery. no. but we could, after this. we're going. . we're going to take the banks. the government banks. are we not? let him in. are you here to spy? you don't know what i'm doing. am i now? why do you think that? no more. and it don't seem worth a visit to tell me something you already think i'm doing. who could tweed get to do that? there's no one around him. chance of what? and what's any of it mean to you? i'm going to lose nothing. if you believe me, you can stay. then you better learn to fight locking over your shoulder, bill, because that's the only way you'll ever see it coming. one reason. you're my kill, butcher. no one else is going to have you, not tweed, not tammany, not those pigs in the street. no one--not even you, bill--will ever take the pleasure of your death away from me. i'd do anything to keep you for my own, even if i have to protect you. fine, so long as i pass you on my way. someone i credit. you join with me and we fight against tammany, fight them back and out of the points. then you and me can settle. but if you don't join with me, then there won't be no settlement because you'll be murdered in the street and the whole points will be mine. why don't i make it easy for you, then. same as you're making it easy for tweed. where's the native americans? and the militia? that's why he sent us. help us, we got wounded! open the damn doors then! we're bad hurt! just behind us! but i got our major here wounded so bad half his guts is out! likewise. move fast! we got to get out with everything we can before the militia gets here! go on, then, talk. come ahead then. and bring my friend's body. tammany's put us all in the same place. you want to get out alive? i don't want to lose you so easy. you'll never get past the militia unless you come with the dead rabbits. i'm not forgetting where i put it. what's your call, bill? go ahead them, give them cover! give them some damn cover! whose gang might it be? which way you pointing that? who do you want to fight, bill? see you in the street. you'll have a warrior's funeral anyway, john. but you and me ain't settled. Then let's start over.