let me see! i don't believe it. oh come on! it's not. then tell me where you got it. what? would he do the same with me? better keep it more careful, then. it's all your play now, shang. maybe you can set him right. no, sir. you look a proper gentleman down to the ground. does it matter to you what i think? oh. i might like, sir. but i can't say now. because this is my stop. that would be too bold. i come every thursday to the tombs to see my father. are you a spy, then? appreciator of what? don't bother with the chat. if you want me, we come to a business arrangement. lf the terms is right, then i decide how you suit me. then i do it or not. i know what you was just. i had years already of what you was just. you know how i got so good at thieving? so's i wouldn't have to lay down for everyone who had the ned. now i do it when i want to for how much i want to. otherwise i don't do it, and don't have to do it, and to hell with anyone's rules but my own. what's it to you? how'd you come by this? are you making me a present, or making an arrangement? from amsterdam. payment for the silk. you were waiting for me out here, weren't you? you was that sure of me? it don't do to be sure. i could go away just as easy. i'll say when i want to, not you. yeah. if it was just a shag you wanted. you got blood in your eye for someone. who from? you better get someone else in your sights. no one's ever taken him. you have a plan for this? you going to raise a militia? i'll wager bill the butcher don't even know about you or care if he does. and after the butcher? is that so? love you? you just had me. you can have a mort any time you want. so why look for more than that. why? i don't know i want to mean something, to you or anybody. can there be good in that? it'll take a while if we do. if we ever do. meantime's business. and you heard i was a good teacher? that's right. and now what? not to my thinking. you going with me or him? it's my thinking matters here. you don't have to ask him nothing. i said already, it's not a game. it's business. the butcher'll kill him if we don't do something. the truth is you don't give a damn about him. go easy! go easy. it's over. let's get him up. therels too damn little of him left to know anything. we don't want a ruckus, minister. everdeane. jenny everdeane. what? no, it's just that i didn't recognize you in the mirror. you still got some of the face the butcher gave you. maybe you'll look better later. i chose you just for tonight. if that's not good enough i'll go with someone else. i got ned enough for all. see? fair enough? what's our rate? what do we charge? raise it? is that what you want? there'll be no paying at all this day. or this week, neither. this is dead rabbits business from now on. we'll take ned if you got it, now or in future. but no one will go without. they'll pay us what they owe, in loyalty if not in cash. tammany gives coal, we give milk. can't we? what are you doing? sure i do. but there's something else i still don't understand. at sparrow's pagoda, did you hit me, knowing it was me? meantime's over. put your head back. put your head back i said. sudden? every day i see you and you complain i can't decide. now i decide, you say it's sudden. don't flatter yourself. it's because you didn't lie about hitting me. not here. there's too much past. it must be morning. this is what you meant, then? it's going to be just the same from now on? every morning i wake up next to you. we only just started in and you're already threatening me. i prefer my kind. this kind. you said i was the best thief in the five points. but i got restless. will you wear something i got? my jeweler's. come on. that's the best time. they're all having lunch. you can wait on me a minute. or i'll see you back in the points if you're scared. don't worry. i know every house on this street. they all leave their doors open. they live like they're not in new york. come on. i might still be taken for a maid. but you're nobody's notion of a butler. the police commissioner lives the next street over. i was thinking of visiting him next month, but cops don't buy goods. they keep all their graft in cash. how's that for ten minutes? i'm not going to fence it. i'm going to keep it and take it where no one will recognize it. somewhere west. far west. past the mississippi river, somewhere into that territory. you'd be with me. once i said i'd be with you i wanted someplace we could be together. someplace better than here. what's the matter with that? yeah, i know, but i'm talking about settling down, not settling debts. i did, yes. amsterdam, what are you saying? i don't know, you mean a place, a home? i know this building. these lead all under the square, into the brewery and out again from there. they're closed off and forgotten since the reverend opened the mission. pass me the candle. we lived in this building till she lost her seamstress work and we went to the brewery. one day she slept so drunk she never woke and i brought her back here. dug this myself. families. give here what i gave you. she'll keep an eye on this for us. how about some help? just take another look at it to remind you. i can always do fine on my own. what's mine is yours, is that it? you making an offering to the reverend raleigh? you should finish the stone. it was bill killed him, not you. and his hand on yours! you talk like he lives in you. you think you can be free that easy? you need your way so clear, and you''' use anything to clear it. anyone, too. me, everybody, we're all just a way for you to settle your damned ghosts. this city will burn like gomorrah. i think it's past that already. they believed what people told them, that's all. you believed johnny. and i believed you. i believed what you said abaut being with me, with me alone. but you lied to me. it's not me alone, it's just you and bill poole. youlre so blood-blind you can't see nothing else, not even this! it's not a country for me, amsterdam. i don't know about you. will you come with me? now is when i'm going. will you come? what is it? i'd kill you for this. until i can get out. i'll go with you. . meantime. i can show you from here where they are. i doubt they'll get to the armory in force before midday tomorrow. seems we are. did you miss us, john? so tammany's going to kill the butcher. that puts you and tweed on the same side. does that make the path clear enough to suit you? help me. oh please help me. he's shot, we need a doctor, please help.