my mother's just there. on the trip, her insides all broke up. she wasn't dead and there was three others fighting for her bed. i never knew him. and those? what are those? firewood? it's a penny the load. hey! hard starboard, shang! hard starboard! wait! take him. if he's still alive he's good for ransom! then we'll take bill the butcher's cleaver and sell the body to the medical students. they'll go five dollars for it anyway. i don't know. he acts like it. jenny everdeane. shang turned her into the best bludget in the points. yeah. but jenny says she's anyone's she chooses. it's politics. because your way's different, and i want to see where it goes. unless you say otherwise. amsterdam shrugs and keep walking. you act like you have something in mind, like you know every day what you'll be doing the next. me, i don't figure on tomorrow. oh that's heaven. the city shut down the brewery as unfit to live and tammany gave it over to this minister. why tammany . you don't know? tammany makes the city run. a political organization that's like. like the native americans, only ranging over the whole city. they seem like the law, but they got a way of acting outside the law. anything that happens in this city, on the straight or on the sly, tammany's a part of, and boss tweedls the heart of tammany. they're the best gang there is. 'cause they're more my size for now. with tammany, you got to do something large, something that makes them take notice of you. but if your schemes have size, you need size to bring them off. it wasn't him. i have word for you from who did it. you're to meet him at sparrow's chinese pagoda. we was called after shang when we was named at all. tammany earns better. that's the difference. you will at day's end, that's our arrangement. a quarter a voter, whether they're repeaters or not. i'm telling you, we got a square deal. it's just a day's job, we don't have to make it a life's work. we work for tammany today and kill them tomorrow, if that's our pleasure. he's our tammany man. daniel killoran knows us. we work for him. tampen down, will you? no, i didn't have no idea . i got experience. it's the education i lack. i don't listen to talk, i figure for myself. and i figured you'd be good at everything you did. and tonight i got the ned. now i'm ready for you. unless there's an arrangement between you and amsterdam. amsterdam. listen up, amsterdam. how's the evening passing? 'cause it's treating me fine too. that's the truth. he knew what he was doing, hitting you. amsterdam. amsterdam! me. i don't want to come in! you come out. i'm going to fight you. now. so when i lose no one will see. satisfied? it wasn't me that's been dancing and shagging all night. the hell. no worries at all. you throw in with the dead rabbits and we'll worry about the natives. leave off her. she don't want you. not even if you could pay her. he can't pay. i can pay. you liked that old man? you would have gone with him? tell me what he wanted you to do. i never seen hair so black. can you take the pins out? did your mother have the same color? lie back, i want to look at you. what's that mark? and there? is that a scar? and that on your shoulder? that looks old. i don't want to know when. don't tell me about before or what you used to be, i don't want that. none i ever seen. maybe you can find them. it's a fair day's wage. we just move the people out of the building, and collect. who owns the building. them. it's not just citizens in there? with arms? we didn't contract for that. our man will take him in another five. what puts you in such a hurry? dobbs will take him this round. that'll be something. the natives has never lost before. that'll shame them thorough. don't push the natives too far, amsterdam. otherwise it'll be tammany pushing back. it does matter, and it's going to matter even more. tammany's the heart and future of this city. if the rabbits is going to keep growing, we're going to have to throw in with tammany some way. they got that conscription act from washington keeping them busy, but they won't leave us alone forever. and the natives is strong as they ever been! if you'll allow me. there's a scheme we might try. opportunity. science and opportunity. i did have. but times change faster than people. some people, anyhow. and i like to stay with the advantage. something like that, yeah. this election'll be over unless we get up there. sheeny mike, you want to make . . how much? five dollars? just to help us? he knows about it. welre working a whole new scheme. but i won't tell him youlre helping, if that's the way you want it. and you can keep the full five. just start climbing. he was working a tammany job, tammany will see to him. he made the right choice. i didn't know he was going to die, amsterdam. and don't tell me what's my own and what isn't. you're not my family. and i swear, i swear on the virgin mother's eyes . i know what i'm doing, amsterdam. it's you that's always been blind. i'll say my farewells. you still smell like drink. can't you hear the future? each candle is against you, gents. some of us come from those people, mayor. i'll not deny they still claim part of me. there's no telling about the mob. or the small gangs. but the dead rabbits . if i was amsterdam. if i was . i'd figure to take the rabbits to the armory. you already said in front of everyone you trusted me. such as what? not a bit. i don't have to spy. i know what you're doing. i told tweed what you're doing. you're going after the armory. 'cause that's what i would do, and you and i think alike. there's something else alright. tweed's arranged to kill bill the butcher. one of his own. listen, it don't matter who, it's going to be done, that's all! tweed ain't going to wait around for you and bill to settle yourselves. i'm telling you so you have a chance. a chance. a chance to do what you want. bury the butcher, draw what blood you got to. but you better make speed. the natives will move on the armory too. it means whatever's left of friendship, i don't know. there's still part of me here. i don't want to see you lose everything in your life at once. i got to go. so long as they're near, it's alright. the rabbits can take the armory, but they can't hold it. if bill can get into position, he can make sure they don't get out. tweed. no. there's no friends for me.