mr. tweed would like a word, mr. cornelius. tweed of tammany. in your office. at your pleasure, of course. another proud night for tammany, bill. we can't have every citizen of the five points boxed up like cargo. the know-nothings are already finished, and there's four more hours at the polls yet. i come to see if our counts square. you boys have made a remarkable showing. remarkable. likewise. pleasure to meet the best but one in the whole five points. maybe nobody. but when the count's done the numbers will tell who's come out in front. tonight. at the victory celebration. we've got a motto. it's all right, nat. they're saying the truth. they gave a good day's work for a good wage. a fine first showing. but second best. it's no shame to be bested by veterans. the native americans always sweep the field. we count on them sure as mass comes an sunday. that's only right. bill the butcher's our ambassador throughout the points, as you might say. it's deemed an honor to work with him. everyone knows bill poole, everyone fears him, everyone . well, if it's matter of personal honor, the money can only be a further insult. i have no wish to rile you further, so if you'll allow me. listen, buck. this is a tammany night. if you and bill poole have matters to settle, you can do it any other time, any other place, i don't give a good dancing goddamn. but you do it here tonight and all the five points will be down on you like the righteous wrath of heaven. or you could, as the book says, put away childish things. join the celebration. personally, i always find the least strenuous solution the most appealing. don't you? the dead rabbits did a proud job for elections. that amsterdam boy has sand. well, the rough and tumble boys over to slaughterhouse point. there's country mccleesterls bunch, too, and the plug uglies, but there's none that have the promise of the dead rabbits, or the stake, neither. the boy amsterdam has a blood feud with the butcher. he's sworn revenge for the death of his father, and he's got the heart to carry it forward. he'll have the skill and power soon enough. and if they roam into some portion of our own revenues? bill's got to be a lot more than occupied. it'd be gratifying, mr. tweed. even edifying. don't do it, you can't do it! there's the conscription to deal with, and elections coming, too. that's your calling now, not these ancient quarrels. you see how much they like this damned law? enforcing it's going to hurt us in elections. he could at that. then he would become a fresh concern you got no place among us, get the hell out of here however you come in. you got opportunities enough among your own. "we?" this was your notion, you go up there. it's from the armory guards. that's the last before the wire went dead. they got to be near.