what's the fight? are you native or rabbit? looks alright. i'll stand by you, then. i run with you! i'm one of you! born a native american from the blood of five generations! i told you forget that sailor stuff! which way's star. too late. their ticket craft crashes into the side with enough force to make a loud thump and to send shang sprawling. spread out and make for the cabin. moving slowly, the boys fan out and move toward the cabin at the far end of the deck. johnny stays close to shang, holding onto the shipls rail for support. nothing. looks picked clean. bill and the natives must have got here first. what . come on. we'll get something out of this. we'll make for blackwells. you'd have liked that, wouldn't you coal face? you're the only one they'd miss in the dark. alright. we lay up here till first light. then we run back across the river. figured you for dead. this is my crew. and welcome to join, if you've the mettle. we're river pirates and quick thieves and street brawlers. yeah? you've no business saying anything against us! do you know how much you cost us? you know how much that body's worth? fifteen dollars! fifteen dollars from them medical ghouis. go ahead then. he was in his prime. he'd have fetched thirty dollars easy. the cops can go to blazes. who cares about them? it ain't the time to go against the natives. we've got to build first. then we go. that's the prize of the month. spice islands silk. you'll learn our way if you're going to be one of us, amsterdam. every one of us gives a portion of all they steal to the gang. morts more than men, being morts. because morts have more resources. men can work only on their feet, but a mort can turn out on her back. if you think there's something off about my way of running things, you got no place in this gang. as agreed, then, jack. refreshment? pretty slim cut for a hanging day. where'd you get that? it don't suit you. you know that's jack's. that watch is a small price for free run of the points. we don't tight when we don't have to. it's not warring that counts. it's the living day to day. that's enough sport this evening, jack. i gave no order for this. i'm calling you out, amsterdam. i didn't give it to him. why would i give it to him? he's gone flat. i got no reason to trade with the native americans. who believes what he's saying? can any of you believe what he's saying? let see where they stand.