i don't understand why you were dragged out here, sir. it's hardly worth wasting your time--a no-nothing case like this. of course, sir. we're checking the entry log, alibis, grudges. i look around, i see a lot of dry eyes. the director was not. . universally loved. he was leading the cut-backs in the program. you're looking at a room full of motives. with respect, sir--it may be the only unaccountable specimen but the profile suggests-- according to this, he's a sick man. congenital heart condition. who knows how long the specimen has been here but there's an 80 percent chance the owner of that eyelash has already died himself from natural causes. even if this vincent luca is alive, is it likely he could bludgeon a man to death? i take it you're thinking along the lines of a robbery gone sour--a thief disturbed in the act? of course that doesn't jibe with what we found. this was an angry killing. i'll run a crossover on the eyelash for any family or associate connections-- what a pity. director josef, this is our lead investigator. an age enhancement is being prepared as we speak. not our fish, but sometihng stuck in the net. this is the age enhancement we're working with. as you requested, we've kept the parameters wider than usual. this is the most likely location-- is there something more we should know about this suspect, sir? i mean besides what's on his sheet. with respect, sir, many perfectly innocent citizens have left specimens at as many crime scenes. maybe he's just unlucky. we're already getting complaints about frivolous search. the skin flake was found in michael's restaurant. the employees are all accounted for. no. but one or two "borrowed ladders" have shown up there in the past. we have to consider the possibility that he's playing somebody else's hand. it's still possible the eyelash specimen came from a janitor, delivery man--it could have blown in through an open window. it is hard to believe he could be one of their elite workers. you've seen their security system. they know who works there. even if you ignore the man's expiration date, his profile suggests that he doesn't have the mathematical propensity let alone the stamina to pass their physicals. none of the id photos match the enhancement. you know their workforce. two-thirds at least fall into the category. we'll be closing down their operation for days. at least go with a fingertip sample or urine. that's the last. he's not here. it's a blind alley. we don't have the manpower. from what budget? where do we start? positive saliva match. the cup was definitely used since the original sweep. he's the only absentee. this won't take a moment. yes?. yes. yes. we found his spit in the dead director's eye. he's signed a confession--supplied us with the suit he wore on the night. what more do you want? it's not exactly him. but this man does share some common characteristics with your suspect. not so many but enough. it appears the eyelash has a brother--of a kind.