four foot six. six one. yeah. you want to go dancing tonight? i think i'd better choose the menu. after all, you're learning how to be me, i'm not learning how to be you. listen, i don't want you to think i'm ungrateful --i know you and that little broker--what do you call him? you're both going to a lot of trouble-- maybe you can con somebody into believing you're me to get your foot in the door--but once you're inside, you're on your own. i'm sure you're sincere. . but i was being groomed for something like this myself. even without the accident i don't think i would have made it. my point is--how the hell do you expect to pull this off? at least you're honest. call me by my middle name--eugene--if you're going to be jerome, you may as well start getting used to it. if anybody asks, tell them the truth-- your family disowns you. you are a disappointment, jerome. wrong color. it's silver. it's not easy living up to this. it needs work. noone orders southpaws anymore. you really need that much? god, what wouldn't you do to leave the planet? god, you're serious, aren't you? you don't know what a relief it is not to be me. are you sure you want the job? listen, i bag this stuff anyway. it may as well pay my rent. you didn't forget the truffles? who died? you wish. what an act of benevolence--a service to the community. so that's it. now there's nothing between you and ignition. this calls for a celebration. doesn't it? so what? you didn't kill him, did you? hey, how much of you can be there? even if the "j. edgars" do find something, in a week-- you'll be slightly out of their jurisdiction. come on, we've got to get drunk immediately. honey, if you'd hurt me, i'd be cured. you want to meet a real-life spaceman? you're right, there's more atmosphere where you're going. i gotta stop!! i gotta stop!! you idiot. you could ruin everything with a stunt like that. at least up there your piss will be worth something. you'll all be showering in it, right? what is that one? how long do you stay up there before you go? i still can't believe they're sending you to the belt--you of all people--never meant to be born, on a mission to discover the origin of life. you know i'm scared of heights. i'm sorry. did you want it? let me get it for you. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. you know i wasn't drunk--i knew what i was doing when i walked in front of that car-- --i walked right in front of it. i was never more sober in my life. i'm proud of you, vincent. --i know what i ordered. i ordered "honey dawn" and you sent me "summer wheat". any particular reason? what are you talking about? what makes them think that? where? could be worse. they could have found it in your eye. i'm not going anywhere. less than a week to go. not on your life-- where is your head, jerome? you're acting like a guilty man. they won't marry the eyelash to you. they won't believe that one of their elite navigators could have suckered them for the last five years. how could they recognize you? i don't recognize you. anyway, you don't have a choice. you run, you may as well sign a confession, turn us both in right now. no, we stick this out-- find out what we can but change nothing. this is a minor inconvenience is all it is. we've taken worse heat than this. jesus, if i'd known you were going to go belly up on me at the last fucking gasp, i wouldn't have bothered. you can't quit on me now. i've put too much into this. besides, this stuff is mine. i had other offers, you know. i could have rented myself out to somebody with a spine. you want me to wheel in there and finish the job myself? we'll take off all right, from pad 18 just like we planned. and keep your lashes on your lids where they belong. how could you be so careless? well save those tears. i'm sure i could have. so it's not just the hoovers who've got you rattled. is that all? if you say so. the stripe. i don't feel too good. i think i'm still drunk from last night. if i were you i'd worry about myself. haven't you forgotten something? you got it, german. how was your evening? you are a catch. no doubt she's worried that she would lower the standard of your offspring. everybody wants to "breed up". what's wrong with her? you're not thinking of telling her, are you? she doesn't have to know. she doesn't want to know. where are we going? again? i'm sure you'll be very convincing. where are you taking her? you may as well invite her here. don't worry about your little pin cushion. to be honest, i'm looking forward to having the place to myself. how long? i guess i'd better have something important to say if it takes that long to get an answer. hello? i was never very good at it, remember? hello. hello, sweatheart. come on up. where's my kiss? now you're here. who are your "friends"? again? forgive me for not getting up. it's okay. maybe they can find out what i've got. as long as you don't do it in my closet. over there. clean the whole house if you want. not bad, jerome. i could always walk. i've been faking it. quite something, isn't it? that's where we get rid of the traces of him although we never truly succeeded. he's probably leaving some more of me around the place before he goes. don't be deceived, irene. these are just the clothes. he has to wear them. something i could never do. you have more in common than you know. but they say hisis already ten thousand beats overdue. i have my doubts. for all my gifts, they could never engineer me a heart like vincent's. i have your samples ready. no, but you might need them when you get back. everything you need to last you two lifetimes. there's an extra specimen. i wish i could give it to her myself. but then, you always were better at being me. in case you get back before i do. i'm travelling too. i got the better end of the deal. i just lent you my body--you lent me your dream. not until you're upstairs.