put up the dish. your extracted eggs. . maria, have been fertilized with. antonio's sperm and we have performed an analysis of the resulting pre-embryos. after screening we're left with two healthy boys and two healthy girls. naturally, no critical pre-dispositions to any of the major inheritable diseases. all that remains is to select the most compatible candidate. first, we may as well decide on gender. have you given it any thought? you've already specified blue eyes, dark hair and fair skin. i have taken the liberty of eradicating any potentially prejudicial conditions - premature baldness, myopia, alcoholism and addictive susceptibility, propensity for violence and obesity-- you want to give your child the best possible start. believe me, we have enough imperfection built-in already. your child doesn't need any additional burdens. and keep in mind, this child is still you, simply the best of you. you could conceive naturally a thousand times and never get such a result. is there any reason you'd want a left-handed child? some believe it is associated with creativity, although there's no evidence. also for sports like baseball it can be an advantage. i have to warn you, mr luca, he's going to be at least a head taller than you. prepare for a crick in the neck in sixteen years time. anything i've forgotten? i understand. that's already been taken care of. now you appreciate i can only work with the raw material i have at my disposal but for a little extra. i could also attempt to insert sequences associated with enhanced mathematical or musical ability. i have to caution you it's not fool-proof. with multi-gene traits there can be no guarantees. it would be five thousand more. don't worry. you'll probably do just as well singing to him in the womb. we can implant the most successful pre-embryo tomorrow afternoon. they are not babies, maria, merely "human possibilities". smaller than a grain of sand.