vincent, i'm german-- that's my name. i think i could do something provided you know what you're doing and you can meet the terms. you got a photo of yourself? vincent. vincent. vincent, come down. i've found him. he has the heart of an ox. he could run through a goddamn wall--if he could still run. actually, he was a big college swimming star. no problem. before he dropped out he was an honor student, the right majors-- it happened in australasia. he checked in yesterday. no family complications, no record he ever broke his neck. as far as anybody's concerned, he's still a walking, talking, fully-productive member of society. you just have to get him off the pipe and fill in the last two years of his life. excuse me, your life. (smiling confidently what did i tell you? which one's the mirror? yeah. why are you inventing problems? you two are a couple of goddam clones. you look so right together, i want to double my fee. you can wear lifts. there's a way. it's no good. i can see an edge. he may as well walk in there with a cane. we still need to overhaul the back-up generator. what's going on, eugene, i thought he was going away, not you--you going on vacation? you deserve it.