let's see what you've got to say for yourself. blind? the tongue is blind? someone who is mindful that the blind still speak. a man's dead, detective. grudges? no, this is your man. --what about his profile? so there's a 20 percent chance he's not dead. no. not likely. who knows with these "deficients"? his profile indicates a proclivity for violence. --i've already run it. there's no record of any living relative. detective hugo, it's a simple case of lost and found. all we have to do is locate the man who's minus an eyelash and this murder will solve itself. how often do you test, director? surely you know what you have. we believe we have a suspect. this unaccountable specimen was found in the south wing corridor. we're in the wrong place. we're wasting time. --there's that word again. i have a feeling this man doesn't play the odds, detective. not exactly a slave to probability. is it "likely" that a man who has successfully eluded authorities for fifteen years--a brutal killer--is going to come to us now like a lamb? since going underground, traces of this in-valid have shown up at the scene of four serious felonies. do you need any more than that? i don't like anybody this unlucky. widen the sweep. the west side. draw a five mile radius around gattaca. hoover some of the classier establishments. random car stops. this is a murder investigation. the public should be happy to co-operate, to get this disease off the streets. you are so beautiful, are you sure you weren't altered? this is not the face, the body, of a godchild. how could something so lovely be a product of chance? you have so much wrong with you, you'll be lucky to see next year. i'm not paying you to talk. a customer? does this michael's cater to misfits? of course. he's a "de-gene-erate". he works at gattaca. why else would we find the eyelash near the washroom? nobody stops to take a leak during a murder. he was afraid of being exposed. that's why he did it. don't underestimate these imposters. a man can change his face--but blood is forever. sample every employee within the parameters i gave you. intravenous. blood. from the vein. something's not right. no, we've missed something. we hoover again. get it. from outside, if you have to. i'll take it out of your damn pension if you question my authority one more time! thank you, no. you're so unconcerned that you have a killer in your midst. no, but since there aren't too many live ones tonight either, you won't mind us conducting one further sweep. if he does not work here, then there should be no other trace of him. i think you'd better get some people out of bed, detective. in the meantime we can re-check his favorite haunt. you see, director, i prefer my microscope. you run a clean establishment. do you recognize this man? i bet. did he hit you with his fist? don't touch your face. don't swallow. don't spit. quick, clean his teeth. vincent! vincent! what are you waiting for? we'll vacuum these streets if we have to. why not? you worried about the cost? they said the same thing about myopia and obesity. you think your children would be less human if they were less violent, angry, spiteful? maybe they'd be more human. from where i sit the world could stand a little improving. so we have two choices. either our suspect came back to the murder scene for a drink of water and i don't know anybody that thirsty or. . he is here. we test again. you're right, hugo, this was a desperate act. someone had a lot to lose that night--perhaps their place in line. i'd like the profiles of everyone with an upcoming mission. this time i will supervise each test personally. at least it's nothing contagious. let's not spoil the surprise. i understand you can show us the way. you don't know who he is, do you, irene? you think you have problems? i don't believe so. mind if i take a leak? may i? this can't be him. luca could still be an accomplice. hugo! i've found him! a fingerprint. there's something to be said for nostalgia. what did you find? where did you get this? vincent-- vincent, what are you running from? has it been so long, you don't remember who i am?