excuse me, jerome. i'm sorry to bother you. i've been asked to compile a log for the investigators--they want to know everyone's whereabouts last night. can that be, er, verified? were you alone? i was at home. yes. no. why would we do that? to be convincing, jerome, i would have to know what that was like. i'm sorry. i didn't mean anything. i know about you. here, take it. if you're still interested, let me know. friend? they found an eyelash. in the south wing. just some in-valid. vincent-- --somebody. you celebrate, jerome? you didn't know? you're angry-- i want to show you something. come on! we'll miss it! what did i tell you? i envy you, jerome. i don't think so. the only trip i'll make in space is around the sun-- --on this satellite right here. --listen, i don't want to waste your time and i really don't want you to waste mine. i don't know what you're after but i have a feeling i'm not it. it's here. my heart. i'm careful--weekly check-ups. i'm on a drug maintenance program, blood thinners, diet-- i just want you to know what you'd be getting yourself into. nothing yet. i'll start experiencing symptoms in my late-fifties. but unless they come up with something between now and then, i won't live much past 67. of course i think about it every day. excuse me, mr morrow. the investigators have begun their testing. i'm afraid not. so you didn't do it after all. what is this place? i'd better not. why are we leaving? jerome! what about the car? who are they? i can't. my medication. i left it back there. are you trying to kill me? are you?! don't you understand, i can't do that! so sure of what you can't do. what happened? so you're not so smart after all. i want you to know--if it ever came to it-- i'd be willing to get an ovum from the egg bank. in fact, i'd rather use a donor egg-- --if it came to it. you hypocrite. do you think for one moment you'd be doing what you're doing if it wasn't for who you are--what you are? don't you get any satisfaction knowing that your children will be able to live to a ripe old age unless they do something foolish? what is it? i'll miss you. --when you go away. i'll call and let him know. jerome--? good to see you're feeling better. it's about the director. couldn't we do this another time? actually, the kitchen needs doing. hello. i've been looking for him. do you know where he is? what's wrong with him? sorry, the wind caught it. not so long--just once around the sun.