jesus wept! i'll murder the little bitch! that's right, bloody daddy. and this is what you call having a few friends back for coffee, is it? running bloody riot over my bloody furniture, drinking my bloody booze. spewing over my fucking goldfish. shut up, phyllis. sandra! sandra! unlock the door, you bitch. what the bloody hell's all this? you know what the bloody time is! it's two o'clock in the bloody morning! well? the wife says the fletchers sent you. what's so bloody important it couldn't wait till the morning? listen, i'm not in the mood for bloody silly buggers. what? what about? it's not business? listen, i don't like it when some hard nut comes pushing his way in and out my house in the middle of the night. bloody well tell me who sent you. a new venture of mine. it's going to be a restaurant. do you like it? last night, after you'd gone, i did a little bit of asking around. seeing as you weren't very forthcoming, it seems that you are concerned about the death of your brother? i got to thinking it would be nice if the bloke you were after was the same bloke i wanted off my back, you know my life. machines. the arcades. nice business. looks after itself. people put money in. i take it out. not much rough stuff. it's a business that makes me very happy. but recently, i've had a spot of bother, one of my lads gets a bit over- anxious and flogs some machines in a club that's already got some. the upshot is i've had to eat shit and stop flogging my machines to other clubs. so far as i'm concerned, that's it. apparently not. these people i've offended get the idea that it would be good to take over my whole outfit, so i'm worried. i can't fight them i haven't that kind of set-up. but i've got to fix them before they fix me. trouble is, if i try and they find out, i'm dead. five grand. it belongs to you. along with a little name i'm going to give you. kinnear. cyril kinnear. kinnear did it. i don't know. all i know is that people were shitting bricks up at his place last saturday. your brother's name was mentioned. next day, he was dead. i don't know. that's all i was told. christ, what. jack, you're wrong. jack. i don't want them cooking in here. you can put a hatch in that wall. who in christ's name is that? it's a bloody madman. jack! i had to. it was the only way i could get at them.