pint of bitter. in a thin glass. yes. hello? margaret? why the hell aren't you here? what time? is doreen at the house? who's with him then? when can i see you? will you be there tomorrow? now listen, margaret. i won't be using the room tonight. i'm staying with a friend. it's not like that, luv. definitely. very nice. i'll pay you for tonight as well. you sure? i'll bet this one's seen some action. was he in bad shape? doreen? all right, are you? been staying with a friend? sorry about your father. tell me, doreen, did the police say anything? how's school? oh, what you doing now? that must be interesting. what you going to do? live with margaret? well, why won't you come with us to south america? my fiancee won't mind, your dad would have wanted it. nice of you to come. what? did you work with him, keith? yeah. a bloody funny thing! is that margaret? margaret. fine. i want to talk to you. doreen. what do you mean? you've been frank's bird ever since her mother cleared off. you're closer to her than anyone. hold it! hold it! who killed frank, margaret? really. i want to talk to you later. tomorrow morning, then? that's what i was wondering. why would it? since when did he drink whisky? nobody seems to know. let her go. she'll be ok. sorry about that. have another? look, look. get your suit cleaned. thanks for coming. you work here, keith? keith, if anybody comes in here and asks for me, you let me know. right? i'm at the las vegas. behind the dance hall. do you know a man called albert swift? where would i find him? went to school with him. he was leader of our gang. he'll know what's going on in this town. grey suits you, eric. is he? eric. eric paice. didn't you know this is my home town? funny, that. no. i'm visiting relatives. it would be. if they were still living. a bereavement. a death in the family. that's all right, eric. very. so, who you working for these days eric? what are you doing? advertising martini? yeah, come off it, eric. who is it? brumby? kinnear? i've always ad your welfare at heart, eric. besides which, i'm nosy. and you should know, if i remember rightly. so you're doing all right then, eric. you're making good. good prospects for advancement, is there? a pension? do you know, i'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. they're still the same. piss holes in the snow. yes, i retained that, eric. do you know a man called albert swift, eric? don't miss the start on my account. yes, i can see your problem, mr kinnear. scotch, please. yep. no? funny that. neither did i. yeah. yes. right. if you can afford it. soon. when you've lost your money. won't take long. only comparatively. what? i work for him. yes, i do. who? oh, do you? no, do you really? go on. really? no. really? while he was here. you went about together? was he? yeah, i'll do you a favour. i have to. things to see to. yeah, i'll do that. told you it wouldn't take long, didn't i? you should have told me who you were working for. oh, cyril, eh? so it's all girls together, is it? he's right. tell him to save the cost of the phone call. what happened to this car? this is my brother's car. yeah. was the steering faulty? what about the brakes? how'd it happen, then? was he? large scotch. old thorpey? haven't seen him in a long time. that's nice. what'd you tell him? good lad. see you later. las vegas. you all right now? you coming to south america? where you going to live, then? where's that? nice family, are they? church-goers and all that? good. i'm off tomorrow, so i don't suppose i'll see you again. there. go and get your hair done. be good. and don't trust boys. my brother, frank. funny. can i phone london? i fancy you. i wish i was touching you right now. making love to you. i want to stroke you and kiss you all over. where are you? the sexy, silk ones? take your bra off. no, go on. now hold them. gently. slowly. imagine it's me. when we're in south america, we'll make love in the sun. roll over. and make love again. and again. for me. i fancy you. save it till sunday. i'll be back then. that'll be for me. how many? good evening. that's nice. you stay in the car. i'll come and listen. what you want to tell me, thorpey? that's very kind of somebody. who do i have to thank? what happens if i miss the train? oh, really. you're getting very optimistic in your old age, aren't you, thorpey? thorpe! time's up, thorpey. hello, keith, stay there, thorpey. i'm sorry. no. really, i am. we're going inside. up the stairs, keith. the door on the right. why don't you go and make us all a nice cup of tea? make us a nice cup of tea and i'll tell you. i might even let you watch. no, you won't. well now, thorpey. it seems i've got a secret benefactor. it's nice to know that. isn't it, keith? there's only one trouble, i don't know who to thank. now, i want to know who it is, thorpey. all right. if you like, thorpey, we'll stop mucking about. somebody doesn't want me poking my nose into something and i happen to know what that something is. now stand up. who paid you to see me off? yes you can. who sent you, thorpey? there you are, you see. now you could, couldn't you? and quickly. ah, edna, come in. join the tea set. cliff brumby. ever been to westsea? ever been into an arcade there and put a penny in the slot machine? ten to one, it belonged to cliff brumby, and like as not the bloody arcade as well. right along the coast. isn't that right, thorpey? where's he living these days? address? yes, edna, and i must say you've been great about the . you must be joking, keep him away from the telephone. i'm going out for a bit. ta-ra. good evening. i'm an old friend of cliff's. i want to see him. it's urgent. business. yeah, well, tell him the fletchers sent me. i know. i made a mistake. i made a mistake. never mind. see you. you're a big man, but you're in bad shape. with me, it's a full- time job. now behave yourself. good night, mrs brumby. they came back? i'll buy you another. don't ask me. you're lucky. they kill as well. that little shit! what about keith? pension him off. what am i supposed to do? i don't know where they've taken him. do you? so shut up. you wouldn't. 'cos i know you wear purple underwear. think about it. no. you must be joking. i never eat breakfast, did you sleep well? yes, thank you. are you tired? no. i'm not tired, do you eat breakfast? i might have guessed. and what orders would they be, con? right. now take me back to london. out. out. out. do us a favour? no chance of that. they're friends of mine. i don't want to get rough, do i? strawberry fair. in. turn right. open that door. and go inside. i'm going to sit in the car and whistle 'rule, britannia'. how could i stay away? keith in? which is his room? what happened to you, then? did they give you a rough time? no, i didn't, does albert swift still live over the ferry? all right. all right. i want to square things with you first. i'm sorry. here. this'll pay for a course in karate. how were things between you and frank? nothing more? just another feller? but he was just another feller, wasn't he? though nicer than most? why'd you see him so regular? i call that regular. once a week you like a gentleman? what was bugging frank? i don't believe you, margaret. frank wasn't like that. i'm the villain in the family, remember? you bloody whore. frank was too careful to die like that. who killed him? listen, the only reason i came back to this craphole was to find out who did it. and i won't leave until i do. you understand? you bitch! it was you who told them i was here, wasn't it? i'll catch up with you later, margaret. no. i didn't know that. so where are we going, princess? of course. where else? how'd you know where i'd be? very lucky, i should think. you're drunk! he must have been pretty sure i'd come. and what was that? yes. what name? why? why? that's not good enough. do me a favour. you don't really expect me to fix kinnear on your say-so? just because they tried to get me on you last night, don't think you can pull the same trick. stroll on. good afternoon, mr brumby. carter exits. who's setting you up in this place? is he coming here? aren't you scared kinnear will find out? what does he want that bloody great country place for? what kind of entertaining? does brumby get a kick out of that crap? did kinnear say anything? after i'd left the other night? not entirely. no. sure i'm sure. i want to give you an oscar. tell me about the girl. the young girl. who pulled her? was it albert? is it one of kinnear's films? who set it up? eric? then he must have pulled her. did my brother frank find out? you're a lying bitch. now tell me the truth. and you didn't know her last name? well, it's carter. that's my name, and her father was my brother. and he was murdered last sunday. now get up and get dressed. get in. where's albert? where's albert? i know where i'll find him. hello, albert. yes, you do, albert. talk or i'll kill you. do you want to go to the toilet, albert? do you want to go to the toilet, albert? you can't get away from me, albert. did eric pake pull her? how? when did you find out? how? who? and you told brumby? who killed frank? do you want to be dead, albert? what did you do? albert? did eric know that frank was my brother? what did he say? is that all there is? then that's it, albert. you knew what i'd do. i know you didn't kill him. i know you didn't. are you coming in? or do we piss about all day? not till i'm dead, eric. stay where you are, peter. you shouldn't have shown the film to frank. the guy on the swing-bridge? i've come for you, margaret. it's carter. listen carefully, you hairy-faced git. i've got the film and enough evidence to put you away for a long time. all it takes is one call to the police. i'll do a simple deal with you. all i want is . but i don't want him there until six in the morning. ok? right. get out. take your clothes off. keep your pants on. lie down. police. you couldn't win an egg and spoon race, eric. stay away from the car or i'll blow you apart. stand up, eric. stand up. i bet you could use a drink, could you, eric? eh? have a drink. drink up, eric. drink up. i want you to drink all of that. do you understand? drink up. just like it was with my brother, frank. go on, son. drink up. drink up, eric. it was you who poured it down him. eh, eric? did you all have a good laugh, eh? did you have a good laugh when he was spewing it up? the whisky is pouring all over eric's face and suit. drink it! drink it! did you all pass the bottle round after the car went over the top? don't stop, eric. goodbye, eric.