you didn't have to shoot him, bo. we coulda just beat him up some. cat, that's the lamest idea i've ever heard. mr. lovejoy? that's cute, bo. they all sound big at the talking stage. cat . . . we think you ought to turn around and go back to miami. so you didn't have the key with you. you spotted them, huh? i have to ask you for that key. catlett says if you don't open the locker the deal's off. i don't need a gun. where is it? if it isn't on you, it's around here someplace. not too bad. i think i pulled my quadriceps. about sixty. he knew it was a set up. he was ready for it. i guess still in the locker. i mean i don't care. you see the paper? his foot. jeez, poor ronnie . . . i can't. i got to take farrah to satan's place down in costa mesa. her mother. not that it matters because i don't work for you no more. i quit. i just wanted to come by, tell you to your face so there's no misunderstanding. into air bags. there's no cushion under what you're doing. i'm out of it, cat. i'm done. that's your problem. you shouldn't've smoked the guy. come here, farrah . . . farrah. come here. after this one, i'm out, cat, you understand? this is the last time we talk to each other. what about him? and if we don't happen to find it under palmer's mattress or inside karen flores' undie drawer? what then? no. what's this? trade for what? jesus, bo, what're you doing? so you kidnapped her? you get life for kidnapping. calm down? we're going away for life and you tell me to calm down? hell, why not just shoot her? why not shoot everybody. fuckin' shoot me. shoot the fuckin' president? that's for the stairs. ever fallen down stairs before? it really hurts . . . and that's for the airport. we'll get it later. you're right. c'mon, man, gimme your hand . . . we gotta get outta here . . . hey, karen, don't -- beats the shit out of me. martin, maybe you should dive or roll out of the way or something . . .