that's us. don't say nothing to me. sit down and act like you're waiting for somebody supposed to meet you. sit down. now be looking. man over to your right in the blue wool shirt hanging out . . . the other way, derecho . . . that's a federal officer, most likely dea. he moves his leg look for the bulge. you savvy bulge? that's his backup piece . . . hey. try it without looking right at him if you can. what's your name? alright, yayo, you know he's there, now forget about him. now i'm gonna get up. soon as i'm gone, you sit down in this same seat i'm in. you feel something under your ass it's the key to a locker where your half a million is. along with some product we're returning try to be cool yahoo. i told you where it is. do it how i told you and have a safe trip home. or as you all say, vaya con dios, motherfucker. how you doing, sweetie? what i been wondering is where's he been. what's this movie you're doing first? you can talk to me. harry, you think we go to see your movies? i've seen better film on teeth. makes no difference to me which one our money's in. so how 'bout you take our twenty points out of freaks and put 'em in this other one, mr. loverboy. you positive about that? okay. then be good enough to hand us our money back, or you think about us coming in on this new one. take your time, harry. we're not animals. are we, ronnie? this ain't bad, you know it? this mr. lovejoy. needs a better ending but yeah, i can see why harry wants to do it. you understand i knew harry was lying, saying this wasn't any good, but holding on to it, man, like you have to break his fingers to get it from him. i'm just explaining to you what i'm doing here. case you think i come to rob the place, rip off any of this dusty old shit the man has. harry called you his associate, but what does that mean? i never heard your name or read it in variety or the reporter or anyplace. you must bring something heavy to the deal. says here you're getting martin weir for the part of lovejoy. no shit, come on. how you gonna do that? i wonder, would that work? you know who i see for al roxy? harvey keitel. the man could do it in his sleep. i missed that one. or, hey, you know who else? morgan freeman. you know morgan? so what? where's it say in this script he's white? color is what the part needs, man, somebody to do it has some style. the way it is now, ronnie could do it, play himself, some cracked out asshole. so whatta you think of the script? i'm with you on that. and don't you think it needs a good female part? increase the romance angle. what about her? with ilona? you know how old ilona is? young? she's fuckin' nine-years-old, same age as lovejoy's kid. bernie. one she calls bernard. have you read the script? who? you know what i'm thinkin'? you wanna make the girl older. i don't like the ending. we could do that, you and me, sit down and write the script over where it needs it. there's nothin' to know. you have an idea, you write down what you wanna say. then you get somebody to add in the commas and shit where they belong, if you aren't positive yourself. maybe fix up the spelling where you have some tricky words . . . although i've seen scripts where i know words weren't spelled right and there was hardly any commas in it at all. so i don't think it's too important. anyway, you come to the last page you write in 'fade out' and that's the end, you're done. that's all. i really think i can be of service on this one. hey, yayo? you gonna smoke, get the hell off my seventy-bucks-a-yard carpet. i told you where the money is. all you gotta do is go get it. that's all you know, huh? wait here a minute, yayo, i be back directly. i'm taking you out, yahoo. dead focking center, man. shit, now someone's gotta climb down there and get him. you see that? the way the man just went right over? maybe we can get chili palmer up here. you fix my railing to give way like they do in the movies. then i invite the man out here, have a look at my view. get him to lean over the railing, see all the naked people down there . . . a tragic accident, officer . . . yeah, well, i'm bored, bear. i wanna make movies. i mean, what's the point of living in l.a. if you're not in the movie business? and i mean high up in it. that's why harry's gonna make mr. lovejoy with me, not chili palmer. doesn't matter what it's called, harry's got martin weir and it's gonna be big. you must be makin' some big deals, doin' lunch in a place like this? yeah, i hear you bagged martin weir for mr. lovejoy. chili palmer told me. last night. when he called me over to your office to talk about it. yeah, i was wondering why he should do that. listen, harry, how would you like to get your hands on five hundred grand? you pay me back at your convenience, no interest. all i want in return is to work on the movie with you. fact i already got some ideas on how to fix it up. how 'bout another one for mr. zimm. a double. we'll talk about that, harry. but first i gotta know, how'd you hook up with chili palmer. he was watching letterman, huh? sneaky, that chili palmer. so, he ever find this dry cleaner, the one with all that money on him? i bet he did and he ain't givin' you a penny of it, help you out. not the way i am. whenever you want it. the money's in hundred dollar bills inside one of those jock bags, you know? in a locker at the airport, waiting to be picked up. it was waiting out there on another deal, one that didn't go through; one you don't want to know about. it's not the kind of thing you do. that's why i was thinking you could send your boy chili palmer. he gets busted or hit on the head you aren't out nothing. that's the magic number. i'd like you to meet my associate, the bear. movie stuntman and champion weightlifter, as you might've noticed. picks up and throws out things i don't want. you don't know me. you only think you do. whatta you mean, he faked them out? so where's the money? you guess? you mean you don't know? bear, i'm going to call you later. mr. escobar. what a surprise. welcome to l.a. your who? sure. family. i know how that goes. well, i don't know. i gave the man his money, sent him on his way. i gave him a key to a locker that had the money in it. because there were a zillion dea guys hanging around the terminal. maybe your nephew panicked, took off. he's around someplace. you know, you speak very good english, mr. escobar. you get to town, you go straight to the bank, raid the limo account. what i'm sayin' is the man wants his money and he wants it now. motherfucker . . . motherfucker . . . hey, bear. i been calling you, man. where you been? hey, farrah. hah you, little honey bunny. you wipe your feet, for you come in here? keep uncle bo's carpet nice and white. i seen it, but i don't believe it. says harry shot ronnie five times. four to the chest and one through his foot. yeah, i'm really gonna miss him. listen, tonight, later on, i got one for you doesn't involve any heavy work. i want you to go have a look around chili palmer's hotel room. who? whoa . . . this is the man used to jump offa high buildings? bear. the colombians are in l.a. seems they all upset about their money. that ain't enough, as a bonus, it turns out the yoyo was escobar's nephew. come here, honey bunny, come sit with your uncle bo. he hates being alone. fact, he hates it so much, if he takes a fall, he ain't gonna fall by himself. he's gonna plea-deal his way out. give up this ace stunt man now one of the west coast dope kings, if they go easy on the cat. i heard in the federal joints they let you spend an extra five minutes at the glass with your daddy on father's day. remember harry's story about the dry cleaner palmer was after? guy who stole the three hundred grand from the airline? i was thinking tonight you could go have a look around palmer's hotel room while i go check out karen flores' place. see if he hasn't stashed it somewhere. just do what i told you and meet me back here at midnight. i need the money. the three hundred grand you got from a little dry cleaner named leo. give it to me, i'll be on my way. tell you what . . . how 'bout i give you to three, then i organize your fuckin' brains all over the wall back there. one . . . in just a second. two . . . three. she can't talk right now. that's a nice scream, lady. you oughta be in movies. okay. fine. the meantime, i'll just hang on to her for safe keeping. you know laurel canyon? i'm at 8150 wonderland avenue. it's right off laurel. you get the money? plan b. here ya go, honey . . . make yourself comfortable. we gonna make a little trade. the money. fuck. i gotta think . . . shut up. calm down, bear . . . don't fade on me now, bear. not unless you wanna hold farrah on your lap in a room fulla felons. in the can. that the money? she's great. gimme the money. you broke in my house and i have a witness to it. only this time, no john wayne and dean martin shooting the bad guys in el dorado. man, i can't wait for you to be dead. you wanna go first, honey? that's fine with me. get him off my carpet, you gonna make him bleed like that. like i say, 'i warned him, officer, but he kept coming at me . . .' hey, he should have a weapon, a knife or something. okay, bear . . . that's enongh. hey, bear . . . enough! you keep hittin' him like that, he ain't gonna look like he broke in anymore, he gonna look like someone beat him up and then shot him. fuck . . .