fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck . . . what? who is this? depends. who's this? what three hundred grand? yeah, i'm here. i just don't like the anonymous crap. it means your either chickenshit or not for real. okay. so who are you? who? never heard of him. so, what, this zimm guy asking for some kinda finders fee, that what we're talking about here? or else what? they say the fuckin' smog's the reason you have such beautiful sunsets. where's leo devoe? where's chili palmer? where's my fuckin' money? what? you say look at you? i tell you what . . . fuckin look at that, asshole . . . and have a peek at that . . . you know, harry, this is the exact fucking thing i needed after the fucking plane flight. my ass fell asleep . . . . . . seven times. i need a little fucking . . . . . . exercise. you got a big problem, harry. hey, harry . . . harry. don't you pass out on me. look up here . . . where's my money? harry. i'm gonna ask you one more time, then i'm gonna shoot you, you don't tell me what i wanna know . . . where's my money? ray barboni. from miami. he owes me money. i don't like waiting. hey, fuckball, i don't need your permission. l.a.'s an open city. you a quick draw . . . 'bro?' you better be, your piece stuck way down in your belt like that. don't you puke on my shoes, harry. harry. i need you to do me a favor . . . i need you to take this gun and put a pill in the bro over there for me. i know what you're thinking, 'why the fuck would i shoot him? he's already dead.' but see, the cops got these tests, tell them whether or not a person fired a gun. and i was never here. you understand, harry? i was never here. you say i was, and i'm gonna come back here throw you out that fuckin' window. c'mon, knock it off, harry. we don't have a lotta time here . . . i told them i was you. i acted stupid and they believed me. don't insult me. get up and turn around. you're the dumbest fucking guy i ever met in my life. let's see what's in your pockets. what you should've done was told me about leo devoe as soon as you found out. 'cause the guy's a customer now, stupid. his ass belongs to me. what have we here? help yourself. c-one-eight. i wonder what this's for, a locker? yeah, but where is it? yeah? which terminal? you found leo, didn't you? took the poor asshole's money and put it in a locker, ready to go. why haven't you left? look, there's no reason you and i shouldn't get along. forget all the bullshit from before -- i don't even remember how it started. you took a swing at me over some fuckin' thing, whatever it was -- forget it. you owe me some money, right? forget that too. but, you don't say a fuckin' word about this to anybody. it's strictly between you and me, right?