harry. harry, god damn it, somebody's downstairs. be quiet and listen. shhh -- there. when i came upstairs, you stayed to finish your drink. i told you to turn off the tv when you were through. come to think of it, i also told you you could sleep in the maid's room. i don't have a dog. harry, are you going down, or you want me to? harry -- how did you get in the house? maybe you didn't hear me. you broke in? what if it was? i know what a vig is. the interest is four hundred and fifty dollars a week on fifteen thousand? but a week. that's a hundred and fifty percent a year. a real bargain. how much is the wife offered? harry doesn't realize it's a true story. that miami flight that went down, it was on the news every day for about a week. harry must've been busy. harry, for god's sake . . . he's the shylock. with your experience, you could always become an agent. right, harry? well. i got an audition tomorrow. what i'm saying, harry, is i want you and your new buddy to get out of my house. what're you doing here? lemme get this straight, you broke in again to apologize for breaking in before? yeah, well make sure you lock it on the way out. i spent all day crawling out of a grave. the costumer kept bitching 'cause i was ripping my nylons -- . . that's what we finally decided. you saw that one? yeah . . . that was a good scene. i mean, for a horror movie. i know i'm better than what i've been doing the last ten years, walking around in a tank top and fuck-me pumps, waiting till it's time to scream. yeah. it's a real gift. i'm just saying it'd be nice, one time in my career to get the chance to say one great line. you know, like in that bette davis picture, cabin in the . . . yeah, you know when bette comes up to the guy on the porch, gives him a flirty look and says, 'i'd kiss you, but . . .' yeah. i married martin. that was a full-time job. he must mean after slime creature 3. harry's dreaming of a forty-million-dollar production he'll never get off the ground with a star he'll never sign. with or without my help. yeah, well martin is known for his flipping. he flips over a script, and when the time comes to make a deal, he flips out. don't go out of your way. right. see how your story ends. i just caught the end. i already read it. harry left a copy at the house. i think it's not horrible. then you've read it? you and harry'll make a great team. i'm gonna make a deal with him. i don't want to act in it, i want to produce it with harry. especially if i help him get martin. what do you get out of it? i want to know. yesterday, you were a loan shark. and you think the movie business is any different? i'm talking to martin tomorrow morning. i told harry i'd meet you and him at abiquiu afterward. this might work, you never know. you were supposed to wait for me with harry at the restaurant. hello, nicki. what a gentleman. hello, martin. really. 'it' didn't slip away, martin, you did . . . when you went off to fuck nicki in the middle of my birthday party. maybe this was a bad idea. oh, for christ's sake -- well actually, martin the movie we came to talk about is mr. lovejoy. lufkin. his . . . agent. but you are interested? harry, what're you still doing with those guys? a locker at the airport? jesus christ, harry. tell me you're not really that stupid. harry, we spoke with martin. chili and me. harry -- i wouldn't get my hopes up, harry. not a worry in the world. that was martin. he wants to have lunch tomorrow. that is, if you can make it. definitely not martin. movie stars never pick up the check. they have no idea what things cost. most of them don't know their zip code and a lot don't even know their own phone number. not unlike the way nicki met him. except it was a wrap party. why? you don't like martin much, do you? for starters, marty wasn't martin back then. so what about your story. you thought of a title yet? how 'bout chili's hollywood adventure. yeah? really. i think you could be an actor. i know you're acting sometimes, but you don't show it. no. i don't mean that. i just meant in general. whichever. let's talk about it tomorrow. hey, chili? look at me. i'm not in right now. leave a message at the beep . . . harry . . . my god . . . hey, harry, listen, martin wanted to meet us tomorrow at the ivy for lunch. i'd cancel, but martin's going to cannes next week, so i think maybe chili and i should still go. continental, but it doesn't matter. martin won't order from the menu. because a movie star can never order straight from the menu. they have to think of something they have to have that isn't on the menu. harry, what're you doing? you're supposed to be in the hospital. you're a celebrity, harry. you shoulda shot someone a long time ago. thanks. and after all, you have such morals. i'll give it some heavy thought. chili. wake up. wake up. someone's downstairs. it's harry. downstairs. he's doing the same thing you did to him, playing letterman on tv. are you going down? you're as bad as harry . . . for christ sake . . . he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. that's a fucking federal offense, asshole! guy's got a fucking pink toilet, for christ's sake. hey -- chili! oh, shit . . . i'm sorry . . . i thought that was . . . i'm so sorry . . . were you scared up there? you don't act like it? go get your stuff. what took you so long?