guy on the radio said it's gonna get down to thirty-four. thirty-four -- that's freezing, for christ sake. yo, chili, you're spacin'. yeah, the guy owes momo a few g's. what's momo gonna want with an old place, shows old movies people don't care about no more. outside of maybe turnin' it into a porno house, i don't think he's gonna give much of a fuck. and you already got a job. ray. how you doing? okay. you believe this weather, ray? miami beach, for christ's sake. you done starin' out the window, i'll see you back at the office. jesus. it's freezin'! you sure it was ray bones took the coat? tomorrow, i see on the tv weather, it's gonna be nice and warm. you won't need the coat. hey, chili. get your coat, but don't piss the guy off, okay? it could get complicated and we'd have to call momo to straighten it out. then momo gets pissed for wasting his time and we don't need that. no, i said i'm never goin' to bed. there's a difference. see, the article says most people die in their beds. i figure long as i stay outta bed, i'm safe. in an armchair. or i go to a coffee shop, sleep there. sit in a booth, pull my hat down. how many people you hear ever die in a coffee shop? yeah, ray. okay. i told you not to -- where you been? i been callin' all over for you . . . i hate to say i told you, but i did. i told you don't start nothing with him that time. no, you just broke his fuckin' nose instead. all i know is he came by the barber shop, all fuckin' undone, wanting to know where you were staying in vegas. i told him i don't know. i still don't. he already knew it. whatta you doing out there? what're you talking about? you wanna be a movie star? how you gonna do that? you don't know shit about making movies. hey, chil? i think you're fulla shit.