hello, doc. i'm sorry. it's been raining a lot the last few days. we'll try again. i want to see jack beynon. ready to talk about my husband, mr. beynon. he's asked me to come and see you. yes, i think you can. hello, doc. you okay? you want to drive? sure. i'm sorry i was late. i got my hair done. the girl was slow. feel good? where do you want to go? what do you mean? you've never been there. small town, small bank, big money. i've been doing my homework. better than old times. i made a mistake. i'll never make another one. assumed name. houston. half a million. what do you want for dinner? how does it taste? pretty good. made a quick trip to oregon, saw my brother and the kids. figured it would be my last chance, unless they wanted to travel. fatter. some things never change. nothing's been boring since you found me. no. it's been a long time. after four years and now the question comes up. i'm still here, doc. it's all right. we've got time. we've got a lot of time. i can help you. sure. listen, i'm just as nervous as you are. really. let me make you feel good, doctor. how was it? i was going to fix you breakfast. i bought you a lot of new things. suit yourself. $250,000 right off the top. you got the parole, didn't you? i couldn't have. much longer. but i got you out. didn't i, doc. i did it. i got you out. i laugh when i feel happy. sometimes just thinking of you made me laugh. i had a lot of that. and other times that wasn't enough. i had a lot of that too. i know you find it hard to believe, i'm happy just loving you. but sometimes i cried a lot too. want to cry now? i'd like an application for a checking account. usually on the right side as you go in. for exits off main street. if we are clean gollie will take us over at nogales. if we are hot we'll have to try laughlin at el paso. you know how i feel? promise you won't laugh. i feel like the night before the first day of school. it will be such a relief not to have to think about it any more. you know i've actually gotten tired waiting sometimes. worn out waiting. it doesn!t make much difference where you are, if you're waiting, doc. i mean it. we are always going to be all right tomorrow. i'd like to be all right a few todays. and live happily ever after. how did you know? what about the bank? oh, christ. doc. call the ranch, tell beynotr we'll leave his cut here -- there are three men dead. he might be ready to chop us up. i've never "been there. when we met it was in his office. do you trust him? let's send his cut back -- just keep going. i don't want to go there. there wasn't any way to explain it. you sent me to him. what the hell do you want? mary tyler moore? she's on tv. what do we do? two day coach tickets -- on the flyer. thank you. that's right. where's home? no, i'm not. that certainly makes you kind of special. no, i'm afraid not. i really hope you have a nice trip. a man helped me open it. he must have. fifteen minutes. you bastard. i wouldn't worry doc. i can always get you out. i'll screw every prison official in texas if i have to. i can handle it. you'd do the same for me, wouldn't you, doc? if i was caught, wouldn't you? when we had trouble before it was different. what do you want to do? do you mean that? no. i don't want to leave. you've got all the answers. what about when they find the body on the train? you've got it all figured. like what? why, there's nothing on the news? tell me about it. what? you're full of ifs. maybe. at least i got to him. where do we go from here? that would be the first time. i did i killed a man. if i hadn't killed beynon., you would have. i'll tell you something, doc. one day you're going to have to trust somebody. you keep it up and it won't matter how far we get away, because it's going to be all over between you and me. do you understand that? there won't be anything left. only one car. el paso. twenty eight hundred. not now. sure thing. i think so. i don't know. no scars? it's all a game, don't bother me. yeah. sure. i don't want to hear it. i don't think we can any more. if we ever get out of here, maybe i should take off. we've come a lot of miles. but we're not close to anything. i always thought jails make people hard. not you. you're just not tough enough to forget about beynon. i chose you, not him. no more about beynon. sounds good. things can't get much worse can they? okay. can we make it? that's all i want. it's the only thing i have ever wanted. great. i'm going to sleep twelve hours. oh, jesus. how? i'll be ready. what's wrong? get in the shower. you'll feel okay. what is it? so what? you're crazy. sorry. look, i'm clean. i want to get some rest. who is it? just leave it outside the door. i'm not dressed right now. all right. you'll have to hold on a minute, my husband's in the shower. who was it? doc ! where do we go from here? they will have our description before we can get a plane. oh my god. how long before this car's hot? thanks. hope you do too. tell her you robbed a bank. are we going to make it? whatever happens. we're going all the way. i guess we are. no more news, from now on we're just going to listen to music. what now? 73: