watching. taking it all in. his face is taut. lowers his eyes, then looks up at his lawyer. the lawyer avoids doc's glance., he shuffles the papers in front of him, begins stuffing them into his briefcase. no way. i've got to get out now. do it now. hi. i'm a lot better off than i was an hour ago. my license expired, let's get out of here. it looks fine. yeah. i want to take a walk. it doesn't look like that. i've been there every day for the last four years. what's beynon got set up? where did you get those? just like old times? i hope so. i am not looking forward to another stretch. where did you get them developed? good. that beynon's got a long arm. whisky and a peach. just the way i remembered. you been okay? how's estelle? boring. that's not all of it. you go out much? couldn't handle it then. now i can. oh christ. i guess i'm kind of. it's just been a while. wait. give me a minute. i'll be okay. really? better than i remembered. you were asleep. yeah, well, i think i'll stick with what i've got. how much does beynon get? is he straight? thanks again. i 'm glad you waited. yeah. i know. why are you laughing? that doesn't hurt. i didn't. i just waited. you gotta be kidding. all it takes is a long arm. i guess it was because i was a model prisoner. i get my own help. what about them? i heard about you. you work with miller. where? you were with him? what about you? sure, you're working on the passports. . and visas? i'll take care of my end. could i get change for this fifty please? bank president, three tellers and one guard. nail him first, be careful he doesn't panic and want to shoot somebody. local police have one car, a rover, shouldn't be in the vicinity at the time we hit unless it's answering an emergency call. if the cop car shows up remember it doesn't have any automatic weapons. only a shotgun braced on the dashboard. get into a tight spot, you'll be out of range at forty yards. then they're down to their side guns. should be light traffic that time of day. the bank guard carries a .38. these will stop an m.2 at fifty yards. just in case someone gets a shot off. suit yourself. two. chambers - reilly. time lock opens 20 minutes before they start doing business. one-inch stuff on a three-number combination. i 'm handling the fine stuff. you're back up all the way. keep going over these. i don't want anybody getting lost. i'll hang on to these. we don't need them till we get to gollies. okay. any questions? what do you have in mind? dillinger got killed. tell beynon i want no mistakes. beynon has to be alone at the drop . one car at the ranch and that's it. i won't have the money. she won't know where it is until i'm sure it's clear. make sure everybody does. my mind's not on guessing games. if it's funny i'm going to laugh. that bad? you promised not to laugh. waiting's hard. you never learn how. at least you were outside. bullshit. i know you do. but it is different. it's different. we'll be all right tomorrow. we're going to have a lot of those, we're just going to get the money and then go all the way. two feet forward. okay. just pick it up. where's jackson? jackson panicked and nailed the guard. we got between four and five. i see it. they're looking for three men. remember? what's the problem? they checked in. why? so what. i've got to give him his money. that was our end of the deal. do it my way. tell me about beynon's ranch. i just figure the percentages. he wouldn't try a cross until he's got the money. if we make a mistake., he'll burn us. you make a deal, you're always better keeping your end up. do it my way. you can wait here. i'll wrap it up fast. beynon. three. rudy got ambitious. that's right. what about her? let's c ut up the money, i want to get north. you hired jackson and rudy., not me. that's your problem. no way. i always do my own work. i'm in a hurry. no applause! i knew that life didn't add up to the obvious when i was 8. one. the radio's rappin' about $750^000. we only got a half a million. so we did that crackerbox. to cover for you. no. my old lady must have made a lot of promises. i bet. get it over with. stupid. why didn't you tell me? yeah. when i got out, why didn't you tell me where it was? who's she? if you don't start telling the truth. we keep going. checks his watch momentarily as he prowls the wagon between long rows of automobiles. where's the suitcase? and switched keys. it isn't another boyfriend, is it? how long ago. sure? he'd figure you for longer, enough time to try another hit. he's probably still in the station. there better be a guy with the when you pop a lock don't mark it. end of the line. two. come here a second. look, i'm sure you're a nice kid and that your mother's nearby. your kind of mistakes are going to land me back in huntsville. texas is a big state. i'll bet you can. you don't like the way things are, i don't like the way things maybe we should split up. i'll cut the money with you. i mean it. we'll grab a room for tonight then you go out tomorrow and buy yourself some new clothes, pick some up for me. grab some food now, paper bag it, we eat in the room. when they find it, they find it. no. there's a couple of things i'm still working on. there may be a hunting party. i didn't mean police. loredo is out. i've been thinking about rudy. if he was on his own, we're okay. if beynon bought him out. if beynon bought him out, and he talked then maybe beynon's boys will be waiting for us in el paso. i think you liked it with him. el paso. thanks. you look great, just great. when are you going to learn? and that could be all for you., baby. now you learn3 this time it could be the chair for both of us. from now on you just shut up and do as you're told. c'mon workl i c'mon. give me the news!! you can't trust anything these days. i trust. want to see what i trust. in god we trust. the word's on every bill!!! a portable. yeah. fifty -- we got trouble. let's take a walk. sure can. i'd like an invicta 12-gauge pump with the twenty-inch barrel. two boxes of double-ought buck. might try that. much obliged. let's do it. slide those guns! here. where are you going? how much? are you hungry? that's okay, honey. two cheeseburgers; two coffees and a milkshake. why not? she made us. now. okay? it's not deep. no scars. don't scratch it, just rub, you'll get an infection. do what i tell you, it's not a game. we better stick here till tonight. we're going to make it. i want to say something. listen to me. it's hard enough. look, what you said yesterday. i guess that was right. it isn't worth anything if we don't make it together. we got this far. i guess you're right. either we pick it up or else we leave it right here. we got to go one way or another. whatever happens it's over. you want to try with me? i don't see how. you and me. we get to mexico, we can have a life. i'm going to try and get it for you. jimmy. how's it going? how's mama and the kids? my lady'11 come in in about five minutes. have some food sent up in half an hour. right. when she gets here, have that kid of yours help her with the suitcase. then you do it. we've got some food coming, should be here any minute. ten. laughlin's going to take us across at four a.m. jeep. there's a dry river bed fifteen miles east. he takes us to the mexican side, drops us off at the airfield by breakfast. we've got a 9 o'clock flight. yeah. i don't know. whatever you say. get upi carol's eyes snap open. we're moving now! laughlin. he's always got his family around. that wife and kid of his have to stand by his side to make sure he stays off the juice and horses. if they are not here, he must have sent them away. get your clothes on, move your butt. stall. open it up, it's me. come on, come on. just get your clothes on. you want it? come and take it. jump! drive. just fine. mexico. i'd like to find a quiet place to cross. you okay? i don't know, airport i guess. yeah. i kinda doubt it. let's just get to the border. juarez - chihuahua city road. not now. pull over. listen. how much money did you make this year? come on. how much? how about if i buy your car for ten grand? sure am. that's what i want. you got it. pay the man. you're going to have to walk back to the border. well, i paid a hell of a price. now for god's sake keep your mouth shut. go with god. hell, i don't know. but we sure gave it a run. yeah, why not? we're the good guys. why don't you try the news? we walk.