john henry patterson, come in. i'm robert beaumont. firm- i like that, tells me a lot about you- -now why don't you tell me about me? to get you started, many people find me handsome, with a wonderful smile. i'm sure you agree. winning personality, heaps of charm? games? look at me closely, patterson: i am a monster. my only pleasure is tormenting people who work for me, such as yourself. one mistake and i promise you this: i'll make you hate me. we are building this railroad across africa for the glorious purpose of saving africa from the africans. and, of course, to end slavery. the germans and french are our competition. we are ahead, and we will stay ahead providing you do what i hired you to do- -build the bridge over the tsavo river. and be finished in four months time. can you do that? you've never built in africa. you'll need your confidence, i promise you. very moving, patterson; i'm touched you confided in me. but i don't really give a shit about your upcoming litter. i've made you with this assignment- -don't make me break you. how could it be? i hate africa. lovely sound- they seem happy. so work must be going well? but overall, you're pleased? i almost feel like getting right back on. i suppose it would be a dereliction of duty not to at least look around. i do need to see starling. awhile back he ordered some bibles- -i've brought them. is he here? well, i need to speak to him. excellent show. where is starling? what in hell is going on? in english. -what's the surprise in that, this is africa? what have they done besides kill starling? how many have they killed? how many? christ! what are you doing about it? this is supposed to be salvation? what kind of idiocy are we dealing with here? genius- the beast will enter, tripping the wire, the door will slide down, trapping him, you, safe behind the bars, will have him at your mercy and will shoot him. are you running a high fever, man? how could you expect something as lunatic as this to succeed? how could you even conceive of it? and it worked? i made a mistake hiring you- you're simply not up to the job. let me explain about time- you've been here three months and already two months behind. and the germans and the french are gearing up. and i don't care about you and i don't care about the thirty dead- i care about my knighthood and if this railroad finishes on schedule, i'll get my knighthood and i want it. professional hunters may be the answer. i'm going to try and locate redbeard- i assume you've heard of him. very well, the job's still yours, i'll go. but if i have to return, you're finished. and i will then do everything i can to destroy your reputation. am i not fair? told you you'd hate me. i think another for posterity- this is an important moment in my life. understand, i had help- oh surely there's enough credit for us all- let's not forget, you did the actual shooting. of course, i hired you, i was the general who put the team together. and generals are the ones who tend to be remembered. clever idea, i like it.