i tried to be late, john- it would have been easier if you'd gone. tell me about beaumont- does he understand how brilliant you are, how lucky he is to have you? oh dear- -you're geting that downtrodden look again- -oh please- if i'd been against your taking this, you would have abandoned me. you've been desperate to see africa your whole life. -not "what if"- there will be, there always are. which only means that our "son" and i- note my confidence- will have an excuse to come visit. go, now. such a gentleman. you build bridges, john- -you've got to go where the rivers are. that was an attempt at humor but i don't feel very funny these days. i miss you terribly and after our son- i still have total confidence- well, after he's born i think travel might be broadening. as he kicks me at night i'm quite sure he's telling me he definitely wants to come to africa. thought you might need reminding. could you tell him that his wife- -that his family has come to see him.