my wife is the game player in the family, sir. i'm sure you've examined my record. so you know i've never yet been late on a bridge. but i have in india- every country presents problems. i've got a reason far beyond confidence: my wife is having our firstborn in five months and i promised i'd be with her when the baby comes. you won't have the chance. any further words of encouragement? then i've a train to catch. we're not much good at goodbyes, helena. it was embarrassing- the man showered me with compliments. -well, it's just. . other men don't abandon their wives at such a time- what if there are complications?- i am desperate to see africa- but i hate the leaving. he just gave me his "monster" speech. "breathtaking" doesn't begin to do it justice. you know the most amazing thing about them?- they only sleep five minutes a day. the females are bigger- only animal here like that- have to be or they wouldn't survive because the males eat the young. just that they fart through their mouths. must make kissing something of a gamble. almost three hours. but i've been getting ready all my life. beaumont says it's to end slavery. have you got that in writing? does he speak english? excellent. could i see the bridge site? why do the workers look unhappy? it's all wonderfully under control, samuel- you've done a splendid job. the workers don't get on? this is more difficult- -but how wonderful that it's difficult, it should be difficult- what better job in all the world than build a bridge?- make things connect- bring worlds together- and get it right! and anxious to get started. what is this, mostly malaria? clearly you don't agree about building the railroad? then why do you stay? karim will have to show me where it happened. and of course, i'll need the donkey. with any luck, i'll sort it out tonight. well, he put me in a spot, didn't he? but that's all right- after all, i'm responsible for everything that happens here. and it certainly won't do much for morale if a man-eater's on the prowl. we know three things about man-eaters. first, they always return to where they've attacked before. second, they're always old- they can't catch other animals so they turn to us. and third, they're always alone- they've been cast out by their pride because they can't keep up. might be exciting for you. i'd love the company. and i've hunted all my life. shhh. -you'll have to deal with it, nigel. they own the night- nobody moves when there's a man-eater out there. what? not to terrify you, nigel, but it's worse than you think- i've never even seen one. so that's what a lion looks like. all right, i'd like to start the embankments today- -sufficient supplies on hand? -true enough- but without the comedy relief. how lucky we are. possibly. all right- thee second embankment will go there. in your honor, nigel. and you and singh will be in charge of building them- and you'll also build the roadbeds and the three foundation pillars- and you'll be finished in eight thrilling weeks. nigel, you'll just have to use your hands- what are they looking at? nonsense. i'll try- but this feels so different- that old lion i killed could never carry off a man singh's size. that's what the books say. you were contracted to work- let me see the sick. there is no reason for fear. second death? where?- but it's crazy- the lion shouldn't be that hungry this soon. samuel? fine. get started. and a strict curfew- no one allowed out at night. send half your men to the bridge, the rest with these two. and i'm sorry for my tone earlier. but i repeat- there is no reason for fear. i will kill the lion and i will build the bridge. you mean nobody died? look out, samuel, here it comes. thank you, samuel. i expect so- it's from my wife. i do, actually; very much. jesus, two of them. -oh, sing a different song, abdullah- -there's nothing wrong with your men so stop telling me there is- you think you matter? -beaumont is on that train- he matters- he sees this chaos, he'll replace you all. you think so? fine. it's best you get out. go. tell all your people to go, run home where they'll be safe under the covers and when the bridge is built and the railroad is done, they can tell their women that out of all the thousands who worked here, they were the only ones to flee- pleasant journey? don't they, though? truthfully? there has been the occasional odd hiccup- but then, as you so wisely told me, i'd never built in africa. morning, friend, glorious day. starling? yes he is. here he comes now. it's what the natives are calling the lions- -two lions have been causing trouble- it hasn't been that simple so far. i'm calling it my "contraption"- we're going to surround it with a boma- a fence, to you- and we're going to leave a small opening opposite that door. in that half will be bait- human bait- i'll start things off- -a sliding door will fit above that and a trip wire will run across the floor. i didn't conceive of it for the lions- i built one in india when there was trouble with a tiger. in point of fact, it didn't. but i'm convinced the theory is sound. what? you genuinely enjoy trying to terrify people, don't you? well, fine- -except there isn't a higher rated engineer and we both know that. and since time is so important to you, how long do you think it would take to find someone else qualified and bring him here? all they'll bring is more chaos and we've plenty of that already- and if they come in, word will get out- and what happens to your knighthood then? every man who's ever fired a rifle has heard of him- by the time you find him, the lions will be dead. i do hate him. i want you to distribute one bag of flares to every tent area- -tell the men to light them if there's trouble- -make it two bags. very good indeed. all right- you'll spend your nights inside. you'll have plenty of ammunition. you're totally protected, you have really nothing to fear. not once?- you didn't hit it once?- -well, of course he kept moving- but he couldn't have been more than ten feet away from the three of you- surely you must have wounded the thing- -that's ridiculous talk and you can't seriously believe it- i wasn't and you know it and don't push it- just listen- we have a problem in tsavo- -careful, abdullah- i didn't have a chance to thank you. got me out of trouble. we need to talk. actually, no. somehow i guessed. i have to ask- why do you need me? that's very considerate. you like him, don't you? you've known him long? have you got it? you don't enjoy killing, do you? thank you. why does he need you by him? i can try. it was probably luck- i'd rather you did the shooting. misfire. it jammed. don't know. have you ever failed? goddammit! but of course yours worked. you just got hit. the getting up is up to you- but they're only lions- -and i'm going after them crack of dawn. what happened to them? their den? have you ever seen anything like this? where could it have gone? how could it get across the water? they're only lions, yes? ever have to use a machan? i did once. in india. we will tonight. they're used to people in trees, not in a clearing. it may be tight. i'll be bait alone? i'll have to. was that supposed to make me feel better? you think they'll come then? why? why? how many do you think they've killed? -not a time for modesty, bob- i never thought i'd say this, but i'm glad you came. actually, i could have done it much more easily without you, but for whatever reason, i'm glad you came. i want to meet my son- he must be what, two months old? i feel the same about the bridge. this country certainly didn't ask for it, doesn't need it. he has children? you're positive lions hate baboons? pebbles? let's get it over with. where is it? it's all right, samuel- we all get hit- samuel!