a different train, a different country, a different world. hundreds of white claws. patterson and samuel standing high above the tsavo river. the track has come to the edge of the area above the riverbank- where it just stops- we're in a clearing with thick trees all around. patterson sighting through it- we are on the far side of the river now. singh is there, starling, too. this is singh's funeral pyre. patterson and beaumont looking at it. the darkness, standing alone in one half of the railroad car- it's incredible, just incredible but patterson's idea actually worked and an enormous pistol. pressed hard against abdullah's temple. the rest of the cave. we are looking at a carpet of bones. redbeard, holding a wooden ladder that is propped against the plank. patterson climbs his slow way up. it's dangerous. the eyes of the ghost. watching the donkey. beaumont, kneeling by the dead animal. he is smiling beautifully, and there is no questioning the look of triumph on his face. patterson in his tent, patterson and samuel, both armed, climbing the crane tower in use at the bridge, not far from the baboon.