and very poor french. the bridgebuilder- -we have been getting ready for you. i will bring him, nigel. because they are here. because tsavo is the worst place in the world. come, john- to the bridge. thank you. the truth is this: you have to work at it constantly. get on? they detest each other. obviously the africans hate the indians. but the indians also hate the other indians. some of them worship cows, while others eat them. railhead is across there. three thousand men laying track- when the bridge is done, it all joins up. did it look like this in your mind? i am also liaison between these two. patterson has made the nights safe again. boom! you- they cannot believe you're still here. you don't know what tsavo means, do you? it means "slaughter". we should construct thorn fences around every tent area. fires burning at night. oh yes, i think so. i've had four wives, good luck. for you. good news? do you love her? you give me hope, john. i have never experienced anything like it. let me deliver the bibles. the ghost and the darkness have come. soon. i don't believe you had a mother. oh yes. but it takes time. since his beard was red. how many cattle? they will want a lot of money. why so many? the ghost and the darkness have come. and we can do nothing. but if you anger them. they will stay in tsavo. and life will become more unberable, that i know. much gentler now. he doesn't. he needs nobody. but we have hunted many times. . he knows i am afraid of lions. did you ever see a lion that size? it's hawthorne's. and where will you sleep beautifully? both of them over there. where do you go next? help finish the railroad. three years i've worked for the railroad. now i don't know why. it seemed a good idea once. some mysteries should not have solutions. once. underneath. somewhere. afraid of lions.