many thanks. you're patterson, yes? nigel starling- i'll be assisting you at tsavo- but surely beaumont must have told you that. that. i know robert seems dreadful, but when you truly get to know the man, well, he's much worse. and i'm one of his defenders. forget him for now- it's your first ride to tsavo- i think you'll find it breathtaking. aren't they amazing? don't much like them. anything special about them? i've lived in africa a year and i don't know what you know. how long have you been here? every time i see something like that, i know we're right to be here- to bring christianity into their lives, enrich their souls. we all have our reasons. mine is simply to make them understand happiness, accept salvation, know the serenity that comes- -best i stop. one of the by-products of my belief is that i can become amazingly boring. but i know god smiles on me. samuel is camp liaison- absolutely indispensable- the only man here everyone trusts. samuel- john patterson. i've got medical supplies to deliver. come along to the hospital when you're done. finish your tour? yes- but their suffering is only transitory- once they except god into their hearts, he will vanquish all pain. you never had it. a man-eater attacks and you're such a buffoon you almost forget to mention it? i couldn't believe it when you said "sort it out." as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "ho-hum, what lovely tea, i think i'll bag a killer beast this evening, nothing much else going on anyway." you said "of course" you'd need the donkey. why "of course"? i don't suppose i could watch. i've never been all that adventurous. i wouldn't be in the way? well, why not? you seem so calm and experienced. why not, indeed! i hate to be a bother, john, but the cramp's getting worse. the pain is actually quite unbearable now. i'm sure you mean that to be comforting, but- that is precisely my plan- but back in my tent. john? i know this isn't the time to ask, but- since you'd only been here three hours when we met, are you sure this is how you hunt lions? one shot. with much more on the way- -john- we could have had this chat on flatter ground- aren't we full of ourselves today? i think it's because of the lion. how many shots did you need? you do plan to mark it a bit more precisely than just- -"there." john, it will not be easy. -please- you needn't be so graphic- but you said they were always old. -far end of camp- man wandering alone at night. hawthorne's examining the body now. there's even less of him than of singh. not good enough- look, it's got to be tighter. tighter. what a good week. we all worked together. worthy deeds were accomplished. i liked the labor. my mother insisted on piano lessons- broke the dear woman's heart when i turned out to be tone deaf- but she still was always at me about being careful with my hands. i like the blood, is that strange? even you two must admit that it is a glorious thing, what man can accomplish. when there is a common splendid goal, there are no limits. think what we will accomplish when we all have god's warmth in our hearts. i am immune to your disdain. when i came here, i had but one small goal: to convert the entire continent of africa. now i've decided to move on to something really difficult: i will not rest until both of you are safely in the fold. the struggle is the glory.