the camera moves in and for the first time we see them. molly jensen, in her late 20's, has a bandanna around her hair and a workman's mask over her nose, but we can tell from her eyes and cheekbones that she is beautiful. sam wheat, in his late 30's, is also hidden behind a mask, but he has a strong forehead and handsome features. sweat is dripping down his brow, leaving streaks in the dust. carl bruner, early 30's, removes his mask revealing a good looking young man with a fashionable two-day stubble. both men have their shirts off. blackness and a loud thud. suddenly a shaft of light penetrates the darkness. another thud and more light. we see a hole. the hook of a crowbar enters it, grappling with something around the edges. then, with a tug and a loud yank, a huge section of tin ceiling crashes to the floor. huge clouds of dust fly into the air. molly looks up, astonished. sam, molly, and carl are holding their sledgehammers. molly begins to count. suddenly, a brilliant white light shoots into the room as a host of glowing forms, radiating an intense inner light, float before us. a blinding tunnel spirals in an infinite vortex behind them. sam is awed and confused. we sense that the light is enchanting him. the entire room begins to disappear in the light. sam turns and sees molly, only she is not in the bed. she is back on the street. to his amazement, he is on the street, too, still bathed in the soothing light. frightened, he calls out to her. before sam can understand what is happening the entire room fills with a strange preternatural light. suddenly he looks up and freezes. the light in the room grows dull instantly. nurses cover the dead man with a dark sheet as the doctors step away. sam turns to the old man. raw clay on a potter's wheel spins hypnotically, sensuously. molly's wet hands press in, shaping it, molding it. a bowl begins to appear. the camera pulls back and reveals sam. he is sitting on the floor behind her, knees pressed to his chest, rocking aimlessly. suddenly, as if hearing sam's voice, the cat begins to hiss. molly spins around. the cat scans the room. unexpectedly, sam's and the cat's eyes meet. with a wild screech, the cat jumps from the bench and takes off running. sam recoils. molly stands up. carl lifting a pile of boxes and carrying them to the door. suddenly molly yells out. the door slams shut. sam is locked inside. frightened and desperate, he rushes for the door knob. his hand sinks through it. there is a strange sound, like electrical static, as it penetrates the metal and wood. frightened, he yanks it back. sam goes wild. he shoots at the man with all his might, attacking him unceasingly, but with no effect. his hands and feet pass right through him. entering the bedroom, the mugger goes to the dresser and quickly examines the drawers. he is very neat, careful to leave no sign that he was there. he seems to be looking for something but cannot find it. on sam's head sticking outside of the car as the subway tunnel rushes past him. there is a panicked look on his face. the look intensifies as he turns and sees another train barreling down on him. on sam's body inside the car still struggling with the ghost as the other train shoots by the window. with a huge gasp, sam shoots back into the car, and wrests himself free of the ghost's hold. the ghost flies after him, screeching. sam charges wildly at the couch and begins flailing uncontrollably at the two of them. unexpectedly his foot kicks out and hits a framed photograph of him and molly that's sitting on an end table. the picture crashes to the floor, the glass shattering. sam does not have to stand there long. within seconds, the terrifying ghost he had seen before comes charging at him. we notice him more clearly now. he is wearing a dark blue pea coat. there is a grizzled look about him. he has stained teeth and seems perpetually unshaven. a group of ghosts is milling behind oda mae. sam comes barging into the room and looks at them in amazement. oda mae and everyone in the room gets very quiet. one of the ghosts draws close. oda mae's eyes roll up into her head. then, suddenly, an extraordinary thing occurs. we see the spirit pull back and dive right into oda mae. oda mae gulps. her nostrils flare. her eyes bulge. he rushes back out and down the stairs. willie stays in the apartment. suddenly, the doorbell rings. willie rushes over and opens the door a crack. there is no one there. confused, he backs away. the doorbell rings again. completely mystified, he aims his gun and opens the door all the way. the hallway is empty. a pair of candle holders shoot off the mantle piece and nearly hit willie in the head. he freaks. grabbing his gun, willie runs into the bathroom and locks the door. suddenly the hot water faucet turns on by itself. sam backs against a wall in absolute horror. carl, standing in the crowd, turns and runs. oda mae closes her eyes. "unchained melody" begins to play. sam hesitates for a moment and then cautiously, awkwardly slides his ghostly body into her solid form. we sense oda mae's discomfort gradually give way as sam emerges inside her. after a second her body turns slowly toward molly. sam. it is as though he alone is there with molly. his eyes are full of tears. he can barely move. his hand glides slowly down molly's cheek. he seems to be in a state of ecstasy and pain. a loud jarring sound. it takes a moment to realize that it is someone knocking at the door. the light slams back into its shadowy substance and sam comes shooting back into his ghostly form. oda mae is standing with molly in the center of the room. sam is beside them. he appears shaken and dizzy. sam, with great effort, rushes at carl and attacks him with his fists. to his great shock, he has no impact. carl walks right through him. with one last effort, carl lurches forward. to his amazement, his body stands up and pulls away from the window. he looks down at his chest and is amazed to see that the glass is gone. there is no blood. excited and confused, he turns around and sees sam. for a moment, he cannot comprehend what is happening. molly is crouched in the corner, her back pressed tightly against the wall. she is staring into space. the room is filled with plaster dust. slowly, emerging from the dust, we see sam approaching molly. he gazes at her with terrible longing.