sam, this may be none of my business, but i'm concerned you're doing too much coke. how 'bout me? i'll never wash again. you guys lucked out. hell, i bet you could sell it tomorrow and double your investment. what i wouldn't do for a place like this. oh, by the way, sam, i had to move your 3:00 with bob kahan to 4:00 so you could squeeze in gary alan. he called yesterday and said he has to see you today about the danway stuff. three o'clock was the only time he could make it. also, the board meeting in l.a. has been confirmed for the 12th. i got you on a 9:00 a.m. flight. hey, sam, relax. this isn't brain surgery you're going into. sam, you'll be fine. you're great with people. hey, nice. i like those. jesus, look at that, a testerossa. that's the car i'm gonna drive when i'm making two hundred grand. he said it was contagious. very contagious. i shouldn't be going into work today. but what could i do? not good. it's spreading everywhere. everywhere. he said be sure not to touch anyone. hold on. sure. just let me have your mac code. you bet. i'll do it right away. sam? molly? anybody home? hi, moll. hi, sam. so, how's it goin? wow! the place looks great. really great. "like" is hardly the word. i never imagined it would be this beautiful. this is incredible. you? you weren't even a vp yet. the mark greenberg and larry white accounts. i can't get in. your mac code doesn't work. why? what's up? yeah, sure. tell me, what's going on. too much money. that's ridiculous. how could there be too much money? it must be the computer. yeah, mr. fixit. come on, move over. let me see what i can do. okay, okay. just call me when you're ready for help. so, what are you and moll doing tonight? it's hard. it's very hard. dave brubeck. newport '86. should i toss 'em? oh, you want to save those? we all do. oh, shit. i'm sorry. i don't know how that got in there. hey, moll. why don't you come? it's like summer outside. just for a stroll. it'd be good to get out. molly. you're not the one who died! thata girl. molly, there's no one on earth who'd like it to be true more than me, but you've got to be rational about this. i understand your desire to hold on to him, but this. this is absurd. molly, you're a grown woman. how can you believe some fortune teller from brooklyn? i don't believe it, molly. not for a minute. what kind of things? oh boy. this is getting deranged. we're going off the deep end here. this is sick. this is really sick. how can you swallow this crap? who knows if this guy exists? maybe she's just setting someone up. find out? what are you talking about? sam wants you to go to the police? molly! jesus! are you outta your mind? what are you gonna tell 'em? some storefront psychic's been getting messages from the dead? do you know how that sounds? you're talkin' ghosts here, for god's sake. i'm sorry. this stuff just really gets to me. i'm trying to, but. look, if it'll make you sleep any better, i'll check it out, okay? now why don't you go to bed. try and get some sleep. who've you been talking to? some woman knows all about you. the murder, everything. where's she getting it from, huh? she knows your name, goddamn it! she knows where you live! this isn't a joke, man. you find that bitch, whoever she is, and. get rid of her, you hear me? i've got four million dollars stuck in that fucking computer. if i don't get those codes, if that money's not transferred soon, i'm dead. if i lose balistrari's money, we're both dead. what is wrong with you? is everything a joke? you were supposed to steal his wallet. you weren't supposed to kill him. was that a joke? jesus! these are drug dealers, man. don't blow this for me, willie. i've risked my job here. i could go to jail. a hundred thousand of that money goes to me. now give me sam's key. i'll get that address book myself. god, let this be it! oh god, yes! tony, this is carl. i'm all set. we're fine. everything's fine. just tell me what you want me to do. tell mr. balistrari there won't be any problems. molly, it's carl. can i come up? hi. thanks. i know it's late. i'm sorry to disturb you. i felt bad about last night. this supernatural stuff just makes me so uncomfortable. i don't even read horoscopes. no it's not. you needed me to hear you and i didn't and that was wrong. i want you to know that i'm your friend, moll. hey, i brought you some japanese apple pears. i know you like them. listen, can i come in for a minute? i won't stay long. i've had one of those days. maybe a cup of coffee? what can i tell you. it's been tough. hell, you know. it still hurts so much. then on top of it all. it's the responsibilities. they've given me my own accounts, but i've had no time to adjust. my mind has been reeling. where were you this morning? i thought you were coming to the bank to sign those papers. you're kidding. you really did it? i don't believe. what did you tell them? what did they say? a ripoff artist, huh? sometimes we need to believe. it's hard to face reality, moll, the hard cold facts of it. what you have to remember is the love you felt. that's what's real. you have to remember how good sam was. how much he loved you. you were everything to him, molly. you were his life. you're not alone. you're young. you've got so much talent. you're fantastically gorgeous. just think about sam. think about what he meant to you, the years you had together, how wonderful they were. let your feelings out. life turns on a dime, moll. people think they have forever, that they'll always have tomorrow. but it's not true. sam taught us that. we have to live for now, for today. sure. it's okay. i understand. i really do. look, what if we have dinner tomorrow night? just talk. can i interest you in that? hello. carl bruner speaking. mr. balsitrari oh yeah, yeah. that's great. i'll pick it up later. get me the first island bank of nassau. it's on the rolodex. is someone playing with the computers? is this a joke? one of my accounts is closed. no, no. never mind. it's okay. it's all right. i can do it. what the? who's doing that? ah! jesus! oh god! i'm sorry. things just got so crazy. i completely forgot. i'm okay. i'm alright. look, can i talk to you for minute? can i come in? i need to ask you a question. molly, i know what the police said, but when you thought sam was here, when you thought he spoke to you, what did you feel? what did he say? molly, that psychic woman, i want to know what she told you. i want to know what she said. at the bank? stomach. my stomach. do you have anything? pepto bismol. what are you doing to me. get away! get away! you touch me again and i'll set her on fire. i mean it. i'll kill her. i'll blow up the whole building if i have to. stay away! go on, try it again. let me see you turn it off now. try and hurt me. i'll kill her if you hurt me. what's a matter? you believe me, huh? you better believe me! i want my money. i need that money and i want it tonight -- at 11:00. if that psychic lady doesn't bring it here, molly's dead. you must have left the stove on. just glad i smelled it. molly, i'm sorry. i've got to go. look, there's something going on. i can't talk now. some trouble at the bank. i don't have time to talk now. what if i come back? around 11:00? i can't. i'm sorry to do this, but it's important. i'll be back. eleven! i'll check the building. look out! molly, open up. it's me. molly. open up. are you there? molly! i want the check. just give me the check. don't interfere! she's a thief. it's not her money. keep out of this, molly! where is it? where? where is it, goddamn it? where is it? you're lying! don't lie to me! i'll kill her. you touch me and i'll kill her. i mean it, sam. just give me the check. sam, please. i didn't mean for him to kill you. it's not my fault. come on, sam, give me the check. give it to me and i'll leave her alone. sam? sam? sam?