as the angel pulls away from camera, we see the newly decorated loft for the first time. it is painted now in lovely pastels. the floor, a huge gymnasium-like expanse, is lacquered with polyurethane. furniture and boxes are piling up along the walls. dominating the space, with a kind of surreal presence, are a large number of molly's sculptures and ceramics. there is also a vintage jukebox. carl is impressed. molly is sitting on the couch in the middle of the loft surrounded by friends and well wishers. a young girl, her niece, cuddles in her lap. people are eating and milling around. slowly the camera begins to pan. it ends on sam, standing alone in a corner. in the midst of all the activity he is lost and alone. the telephone rings. molly, preparing dinner, runs to answer it. molly walks away from the intercom, shaken. suddenly we hear oda mae yelling up from the street. molly is pressed up against the edge of the couch listening nervously as oda mae speaks. sam wanders around the room, anxiously.