what a mess! use your mask, dummy. sam, look, there's a whole eight feet up there. we have all this height, sam. we could add a second floor and put our bedroom upstairs. that would leave all this space. for space. just space. hey, sam, turn around. all together now. one, two, three. you're the good omen. it's gorgeous. sell it? carl, we just bought it. dressed in a long, clay covered smock. she is in a potters studio. several other potters are in the background working at their wheels. a five-foot high ceramic vase stands beside molly. it is still wet. she toys with it as she speaks into the phone. a man and a woman are lying in bed when the woman's husband suddenly comes home. frightened, she tells the man he has to leave instantly through the window. he has no time to dress. it's raining outside. the man, running naked along the street, sees some joggers approaching. one of the joggers calls out. "hey, do you always go jogging naked?" and the man says, "yes, always." and then the other jogger says, "and do you always wear a condom?" the man looks down, embarrassed, and replies, "only when it's raining." now just relax and have fun, okay? it's not the end of the world if you lose this account. you've always got me. see ya. where you guys from, the new york city ballet? you bastard. don't do that to me. you scared me half to death. carl? did you invite him? in the bedroom. you like it, huh? sam, you kept that chair? but it doesn't go with anything. it's okay, i'll paint it. they took away my mastercard. it was christmas, for godssake. it wasn't four thousand. and i'd already sent in the payment! you're the ones that lost it. no i'm not. can you believe it? and the next thing i know, he's telling me his life story. i couldn't believe it. everything. about his divorce, how he'd just arrived in new york, how he didn't know any women. and all with this montana accent. the one you always slip into it when you get nervous. "yes, ma'am. thank you, ma'am. can i fondle your breasts, ma'am?" admit it. you liked me. you were interested. cute? do you believe this? i should have been picasso's mistress. i should have been living in barcelona or paris. but no, i'm moving in with a new york banker who thinks i'm cute. i felt inspired. what? are you jealous? sam, let me tell you something. he's not even looking at me. it's you he idolizes. he doesn't see me at all. anyway, he's not my type. what are you doing? what's the matter? i can tell. you're worried, aren't you? about moving in together? then what? the promotion? you know what? i love you. i really love you. don't watch that stuff. threes? sam, get serious. besides, you lead a charmed life. i could tell. did i tell you what marcia said? six? no i didn't. sam, don't be so blas. i'll have two major pieces in the show. the new york times reviews her gallery all the time. this could be huge. eight million readers, that's who. i want to marry you, sam. i've been thinking about it for days. more than thinking. i want to do it. i want to jump in whole hog. what is that look for? do you love me, sam? how come you never say it? you say "ditto". it's not the same. sometimes you need to hear it. what should we do? give it to him! sam, no! sam!!!!! sam? what's the matter? is something wrong? what is it, honey? what is it, honey? don't leave me. i need you, sam. oh god, sam. i picked up your shirts this morning. i don't know why. mr. reynolds said to tell you hello. i broke into tears. it's so hard. i think about you every minute. it's like you're still here, like i can feel you, sam. frank, what's wrong? frank? sam? sam's address book. no! i miss him, carl. wait. wait. not that one. no. i can't do it carl. okay. just a short walk. frank, what's wrong? hello. yes. who is this? what? hello, who's there? why should i believe you? why should i believe any of this? he did that? that's how he got me to go out with him. i know. oh god. this is all so crazy. i can't believe i'm talking to you like this. i don't believe in these things. i don't believe in life after death. you're talking to him right now? where is he? i'm sorry. i don't believe you. why are you doing this to me? i don't believe a word you're saying. sam is dead. he's dead. no. he would never say that. sam? i don't understand. why did he come back? why is he still here? i don't believe i'm watching this. danger?. what do you mean? in here? it was real, carl. she was real. she was in touch with him. carl, she knew things. i told you, the picture in reno, the starfish,. damn it, carl. she said sam knew who killed him. that he was set up. murdered. she had a name, an address -- willie lopez, 321 prospect place. she said he had sam's wallet. that's what i have to find out. sam wants me to go to the police. you don't believe me. you don't believe any of this, do you? you white fascist bigot. who do you think you are? bed stuy's part of new york, you know. this is america. look, you've gotta believe me. i don't even believe this stuff, myself. but this is real. do you think i'd come here if it wasn't real? you told me to come if i had any new information. well, here i am. don't look at me like that. you guys use psychics all the time. damn it. i know how this sounds. i hear myself saying it and i want to cringe. but this woman knew things she couldn't have known, intimate details. things sam only said to me. i'm telling you. the killer's name is willie lopez. i've got his address. you've got to check it out. what are you doing? where's your file on willie lopez? this isn't possible. there were words, private things. how could she have known all that? ways? what ways? no! she was real. she said things. she knew about a sweater i knitted, about songs we sang. she knew about this place we went, montego bay. oh god, i wanted it to be sam. who's there? don't worry. it's okay. oh, that's so sweet. sure. are you alright? you look nervous, upset. i didn't have time. i went to the police, carl. you were right, you know. i felt like such a fool. they brought out a file on this psychic woman ten inches thick. it was awful. the sad part is that i believed her. i believed her, carl. it was all a sham. why?. i was a fool. i don't believe anything anymore. why would people do such things? i feel so alone. oh god, i don't know what's real anymore. i don't know what to think. i can't. i'm sorry. i can't. it's too soon. you've been great carl, but. i need you to leave. please. i need you to. lionel? lionel, a woman who just left, a black lady, about my height, did you see her? what did she want? did it have anything to do with me? did she ask about sam? was her name oda mae brown? no. i guess not. thanks. carl? where were you? i thought we were having? forgot? i was worried. is everything okay? are you all right? why? what happened? carl, stop this. it was all a hoax. i told you. it wasn't real. she's a charlatan. does this have anything to do with her being at the bank today? i was sure i saw her. furgeson says she was taking out money. it turns out her name isn't even oda mae brown. it's rita miller or something. what's wrong? sure. just a second. what's going on? oh my god. is that the gas? me, too. trouble? what kind of trouble? is it that woman, the psychic? carl, what's going on? let me help you. carl, is that you? get the hell out of here. i'm calling the police. no! why are you doing this to me? get away from me! i know all about you. you're a fake. you're just a fake. leave me alone! grabbing hold of her beads. her hand is shaking. go away! right. yes, it's right on the corner. we're a red brick building with the entrance on the left side. please hurry. thank you sergeant. we'll be waiting right here. police are on their way. what do we do now? is sam here? can you feel me, sam? oh, sam. sam! i love you so much. the police! it's carl! this way! god almighty, carl! what are you doing? what have you done!? sam? is that you? i hear you, sam. oh god! ditto. see ya.