mrs. santiago. i understand you are hoping to contact your husband. well, i believe he's gonna be with us today. but there's no telling about the other world. you gotta cast out all doubt. you gotta believe. do you believe? and remember, we don't make no promises. i can phone up there till i'm blue in the face, . but it don't necessarily mean he's gonna be home. them folks go shopping, they play bingo. it's just like here. you can't always get 'em. okay, let's get ready then. we got a problem here. i don't think he's in. wait. i feel something. did he know someone who's passed over, someone named anna. mary. consuela. maria? ah! i knew it. he's with his mama. i'm afraid this is gonna be too hard. now i got two souls i gotta contact. i don't know about that. it's difficult, you know. the pain. the effort. twenty dollars. welcome, rosa santiago. you are fortunate today. the channel is clear. many spirits are gathering. i can feel his vibration. yes, yes, he is drawing toward us now. i can see him coming. oh, he is a very handsome man. in our father's kingdom we are all handsome. he is standing before me. he is wearing a black suit. who's there? where are you? get out of here! leave me alone! keep him away! do something. help me. stop it! sam wheat! lord, i swear, no more cheatin'. i promise, lord. i don't want to go to hell. i'll do anything. gimme a penance. just make him go away. my mama, her mama, may they rest in peace, they had de gift. mama always said i had it, but i never did. she tol' me all about it, how it felt an' all. but now that it's happenin' i don't know what to do. you're scarin' me half to death. please, you gotta go away, you gotta find someone else. i'm gettin' there fast. leave me alone. where are you? "i'm standing right beside you." are you white? oh god, i knew it. he's white. why me? why would she listen to me? forget it, mister. i can't. molly? is this molly speaking? my name is oda mae. i'm a spiritual reader and adviser. i'm calling for a friend of yours. he asked me to call. this is important. you gotta believe me. don't be afraid. i got a message from sam. sam wheat. he asked me to call. what'd i tell you. look, i don't care what you do to me, i'm not goin' nowhere. okay! okay! i'll go. you just shut your mouth. i can't believe i'm doin' this. i gotta be a crazy lady goin' into the city with you. i never go there. what the hell you doin' in my life, huh? why me? there's nobody there. no, sir. i did what i promised. i said i'd come and i'm here. i didn't say anything 'bout waitin'. don't go away. it's oda mae brown. i called you last night. your friend sam says you gotta talk to me. hey you, molly! you gotta listen to me! this is for real. sam is here. he needs to talk to you. he says remember the starfish at montego bay? remember the picture he took a' you in reno? remember his green underwear, the pair you wrote your name on? she wrote her name on 'em? hey, do you mind? this here's a private conversation. what about the sweater you knitted that was too big? four sizes. you couldn't throw it out. he saw. he was there. this is for real. hey do you hear me up there? i'm not talkin' to you. kiss my behind! listen, i'm not gonna stand here all day. forget it. i've had enough of this. molly? i'm oda mae brown. you can call me oda. girl, if you think i'd come down here for the fun of it, you got another think comin'. this sam of yours. i don't know, lady. i mean, you ever hear a whole night of "henry the eighth i am?" and he cain't carry a tune. he says you're wrong. what? you think i'm makin' it up? how should i know? it's not like i can see him. i just hear his voice. he says he's holding your hand. he says he's holding your hand. he says he loves you. so much. ditto? what's that mean, ditto? to tell the truth, i don't know how i'm doin' it. in fack, confidentially, nothin' like this never happened to me before. now, all a sudden, i can't turn it off. is this you? is this him? hazel eyes, huh? you sound like they'd be blue. cause he's stuck, that's why. he's between worlds. it happens sometimes, when their spirits get out too quick. he thinks he still has stuff t'do down here. oh, oh, now he's got an attitude. we're having a discussion. whataya mean, you're not angry? if you weren't angry you wouldn't be raisin' your voice like that. ah ah, baby. that does it. i don't talk to anybody who takes the lord's name in vain. you relax. you're the dead one. you want my help, then you apologize. nobody talks to me like that, understand? excuse me, girl. time for me to go. monsieur has a message for you. you can't tell her like that. and would you stop movin' all over the place? you're makin' me sick. he's sayin' you're in danger. he says he knows the man who killed him, willie lopez. he's puerto rican. write it down. now i'm a secretary. 321? hey, that's my neighborhood. he's got his wallet and key. he was in here. he says he was set up, that he was murdered. he wants you to go to the police. i'm sorry. i don't want nothin' to do with this. don't follow me! i've done all i'm gonna do. i'm finished. and i ain't comin' back. so don't you come botherin' me again cause it's over. i mean it. this is it. have a nice life. have a nice death. i'm goin'. sam? what'd you do, tell every spook in town about me? i got spooks from out of town here. there's stuff goin' on you wouldn't believe. i can't hardly believe it myself. i don't. forget it. i'm not doin' anything. you're holdin' on to a life that don't want you no more. give it up. dead, yeah, but you ain't finished dyin'. give up the ghost. you're asking me? does it look like i'm speakin' to you? so, are you gonna leave or not? i've got work to do. what's a matter? you're supposed to be concentrating. how do you expect me to do this if you're not concentrating? okay then. you ready? let's do it. oh, lord! stop! whatcha doin' to me? get out of here, you little shit! lord oh lord, don't you ever do that to me! never again. never. no more, uh uh, no more. i want everybody out. now! out! i said out! that means you, too! i ain't seein' nobody. i beg your pardon! i'm not seeing customers right now. i'm the one. but not now. it's been known to happen. but it's not gonna happen now, so come back later. what's your friend's name? this ain't no guessin' game. lookit, i don't know what your trouble is. who are you? willie!? because i'm psychic. he tried to kill me! why? why? talk to me! we're in trouble? who's we? you're already dead. help you? it's me they're tryin' to kill. why don't you go find a haunted house and rattle some chains. fake id's? what for? help you? whataya talking about exactly? what else do i have to do? this is crazy. this ain't gonna work. i don't know nothin' 'bout bankin'. i'm not givin' 'em any money. i'm here to fill out a signature card for a new account. yes. 926-31043. who? rita miller. carl bruner opened it for me. he asked me to come in today. can i have another one please? i signed the wrong name. i need you to put that in the third floor file cause i got a transfusion to make. you know what i mean. umm, can i keep the pen? thanks. lyle furgeson, please. no. i'm here for the fun of it. tell him rita miller's here. yes, sir. why are you whispering? what? he doesn't remember me? we were together at the brewster's christmas party. with his wife shirley. they had that lovely tree. all those presents. why, i'll never forget all those beautiful. oops. gas. a long time. how are bobby and snooky doin'? couldn't be better. so tell me, fergie, how did you do on the gibraltar securities? we sure did. good old randy. got a real head on his shoulders. "her" shoulders. i'm closing an account. make that 31-0-43. numbers. i'm dyslexic. four million dollars?! yes! four million. that's right. that's right. tens and twenties? a cashier's check. of course. you know, if you put that brillo pad in the freezer, it'll last twice as long. sure. i sure do. then my mother took all the money from the oil wells and put it in gasoline pumps. every gas station has 'em you know, sometimes six or more. it adds up. well, i've got to leave. it's been a pleasure doin' business with you. say "hi" to shirley and snooky for me. what a day! $4,000,000. $4,000,000. lord almighty. take it out? why? endorse it? why? no! what are you going to do with it? away? what do you mean? to who? are you outta your mind? no! i can't. sweet jesus, you're killing me, sam. don't you talk to me. i don't want you comin' round no more. i mean it. understand? friends? friends? sam! what're you doin' here? the check? what do you mean, "the check". you said they'd never find out. they're comin' to kill me. what have you done? jesus have mercy. emergency! let us in! in the elderly woman's vestibule, peering through the peephole. the old woman is struggling and still trying to talk. oda mae's knees are wobbling. they're gonna find us. oh yeah? and how you gonna do that? sam? what happened? dead! oh, thank god. it's over. who's carl? can't you hurry up? problems? molly, it's oda mae. i know what you think of me, but your life is in danger. you have to listen to me. sam's here, too. you gotta let us in. go ahead. we want you to call 'em. you're in trouble. let us in. sam's death was no accident. he was murdered, molly. carl was laundering money at the bank. sam found out. he's dangerous. he tried to kill me. he'll kill you, too. sam says you're wearin' the blouse he spilled the margarita on and the earrings he gave you at christmas. see, i'm no fake. what? sam says it's for luck. just wait. right here. with all his heart, he says. he wishes he could touch you, just one more time. okay, damn it, you can use me if you want. come on. before i change my mind. wait! come with me. back to the fire escape. head for the roof. help us, sam! a hand falls on oda mae's shoulder. she spins around. carl is standing behind her. she screams as he knocks her to the floor. in my purse. over there. i gave it away. they're waiting for you, sam.