i told you! i can't breathe. "volga boat, man." whoomph! and about eighty years of dust. for what? be great for bumper cars. hey, look what i found. there's a penny inside. for luck in our new loft. it's a good omen. it's gonna be great. i hate pitching to these japanese guys. they make me nervous. i mean, what am i supposed to say, "who do you think'll win that big sumo championship"? molly. better pay off your mustang first. so carl, what did the doctor say? and what about the rash? on your genitals again? morning rose. listen, when the kobiashi people arrive, have elenore take them right to the. they're early! noon? damn! listen, dillon needs $900,000 in albany by noon. can you transfer it to his payroll account? discretion, huh? good morning, gentlemen. on behalf of market security bank & trust, i welcome you to our city. i'm afraid that's the only japanese i know. but i realize it's not our language fluency, or lack of it, that brings you to market security. rather, i'm sure, it is our banking expertise, our ability to represent and anticipate all of your banking needs. as you know, we are not the largest banking establishment in new york. but, with combined assets of over 200 billion dollars, we have a firm commitment to the international marketplace. excuse me. hello? straight-faced, listening and trying to look as if it is important. uh hmm. okay. well, that's just fine. thank you. i'll remember that. saved your life. better than seeing this gorgeous body splattered all over the street. here, look out. i couldn't keep him away. what do you mean? it's comfortable. for t.v. i love that chair. it goes with me. it was the middle of december. i was sitting in my old office, the one charlie's in. suddenly, i heard this woman screaming. i thought someone'd been shot or something. she was four thousand dollars over her limit. she's still angry. get outta here, frank! you should have seen her. all pink and flushed. her skin was gorgeous, like a rose. and she's screaming, demanding to see the president. so wilton brought her to me. she didn't know that. what's a montana accent? i wasn't nervous. i thought you were cute. what are you doing? at 2:00 am? you notice carl's eyes today? they were all over you. i feel inspired. the matter? nothing. really. no. not really. i don't know. a lot of things. i just don't want the bubble to burst. whenever something good happens to me i'm just afraid i'm going to lose it. what? ditto. oh jesus. another one. i should cancel my l.a. trip. these things always happen in threes. yeah. so did they. amazing, huh? just like that. blackout. a glitch. what's up? i changed it. nothing. i just want to nose around a bit. can you keep your mouth shut? i think i've stumbled onto something. there's too much money in these accounts. that's what i keep asking myself. i've been checking. not yet. i'm gonna dig around a bit. we're going to the theatre. she wants to see "macbeth" at the spring street repertory. i loved it. six times. molly, the "new york times" is some frustrated little critic with pimples on his ass who flunked out of art school. who cares what the new york times thinks? your work's beautiful. that's a fact, moll. it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. what? it's just been so long since. i mean, you never wanted to talk about it. what do you think, moll? what are you talking about? people say "i love you" all the time. it doesn't mean anything. let me handle this. take the money. just leave the wallet and my. molly! no!!!!!! this isn't happening. it's not happening. help me! do it! do it! molly? molly! molly! what's happening to me?! molly! molly. don't stop! i'm not dead! what? are you talking to me? who are you? who are you? what's happening? no! oh god, help me. molly. i am here, moll. i am. wait, moll. not that one. that's my favorite. molly, don't. say something. help her, carl. oh good. that's really good. molly, we hated that concert. rolaids? what are you doin' moll? hey, molly! wait! pulling back from the door. he is trembling. "singing bye bye, miss american pie. drove my chevy to the levy, but the levy was dry. them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye, and singing this'll be the day that i" you motherfucking bastard! what the hell are you doing here? what are you doing? molly, no! get out! damn! get what? who the hell are you? what were you doing at molly's? what the hell's going on? stay away from her! sure lady! oh my god. way to go. milk her for every penny. yeah? where? what a crock of shit! who? what's going on? who are you talking to? are you talking to me? i don't believe this. hey you. my name is sam wheat. can you hear me? sam wheat! say my name! sam wheat! say it! jesus! go away. hell no. i'm stayin' right here! someone else? are you outta your mind? not till you help me. i'm standing right beside you. what? listen, damn it. you can help me. there's a woman, molly jensen. she's in terrible danger. the man who killed me broke into our apartment. he's going to go back. you've gotta warn her. she has to! this man's a killer! he's got a key. it's just a phone call. you're all i've got. lookit. i'm not leavin' till you help me. i don't sleep anymore, so i can sit here day and night. i don't care how long it takes. i can talk forever. you gotta go there. "i'm henery the eighth i am . henery the eighth i am, i am . i'm gettin' married to the widow next door . she's been married seven times before . and every one was an henery . wouldn't take a willie or a sam . i'm her eighth old man i'm henery . henery the eighth i am, i am . henery the eighth i am . second verse same as the first . i'm henery the eighth i am" just wait. just one more time. please. it's a big place. "ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety nine bottles of beer," ask her about the sweater in the closet, the one she knitted that's too big. four sizes. she couldn't throw it out. i saw. i was there. tell her she's wrong. i'm holding her hand. i'm holding her hand. god, i love her. i love her so much. ditto. tell her "ditto". come on oda mae, stop rambling. i do not have an attitude. goddamn it, oda mae! relax, oda mae. jesus christ! damn it. all right. i apologize. please, oda mae, i need you to tell molly what i'm saying. you gotta tell her word for word. molly, you're in danger. say it! i know the man who killed me. willie lopez. i know where he lives. write it down. you do it! 321 prospect place. apartment 4d. molly, he's got my wallet and my key. he was in here. you have to go to the police. the mugger wasn't acting alone. it was a setup, moll. i was murdered. where you going? listen to her, carl, goddamn it. she needs some support here. come on, carl. open your mind. give him the address, moll. way to go, carl! you killed me, carl. you had me killed. look what you've done to me! look what you've done! you fucker! you mother fucker! i had a life, goddamn you. i had a life! why can't you hear me, molly? i need you. don't open it. he's a murderer, moll! you were never our friend. no, moll. don't do it. don't let him in! molly, no. no!!! no!!! teach me how you do that! i want to learn! i'm not leaving til you teach me! i don't get it. how do you focus? i'm angry all the time. it doesn't do a thing. i did it! practicing. he smashes at an abandoned tennis shoe with his fist. nothing happens. how long have you been here? someone pushed you? who? what the hell? what is all this? what's goin' on? oda mae. you're doing it. this is for real. how do you like that? come on. look at this. you're doing great. i need your help, oda mae. there's something we need to do. give it up? i'm already dead. and how am i supposed to do that? that was incredible, oda mae. he spoke through you. it was amazing. you're great, oda mae! you're a real medium. it's what you were born for. oda mae, what's wrong? willie! oda mae, we're in trouble. i can stop them. but i can't do it alone. you've gotta help me. you're right. and they'll be back. i'm your only chance. i need you oda mae. i need you to get some fake id's. help me now, they'll never bother you again. i promise. i'll teach you. you'll learn fast. see where it says "new accounts"? that's where you're going. just do what i say. tell her you're here to fill out a signature card for a new account. yes. 926-31043. rita miller. tell her rita miller. tell her carl bruner opened it for you by phone and asked you to come in today. just sign you name at the bottom on the first blank line. no, no, no. rita miller. tell her to see that it goes right up to the third floor file since you have a transaction to make. tell the guard you're here to see lyle furgeson. don't say that! tell him rita miller's here. don't embellish. now listen, this guy furgeson's a real jerk. just be quiet and listen. i've known him five years and he still thinks my name's paul. he's a social moron. you don't have to worry about anything. tell the guard furgeson knows you. you spent time with him and his wife shirley at the brewster's christmas party last year. this'll be easy. furgeson was so drunk at that party, he could have had a conversation with tina turner and he wouldn't remember. ask how bobby and snooky are. tell him you've been wondering how they did on the gibraltar securities. "we sure did!" "good old randy". "her" shoulders. you're closing an account. say "yes"! a cashier's check! tell him a cashier's check. sign rita miller. i'll be back in a minute. you're on your own. don't say anything foolish. oda mae, come on. we gotta get out of here. say goodbye. hurry up, oda mae. oda mae. take the check out of your purse. just do it. now endorse it. sign rita miller. do what i say. that's blood money, oda. i was killed for that money. endorse it now. we're giving it away. look to your left. do what i tell you. yes, you can. if you don't do it, they'll track you down. your only protection is to get rid of it, now. i'm saving you, oda mae. you'll go to heaven for this. write "st. joseph's shelter". i'm proud of you. come on, we're friends. i think you're wonderful, oda mae. search, you bastard! you'll never find it. it's gone. they'll kill you for this, carl. you and willie. they'll wipe you off the face of the earth. you bastard! you goddamn bastard! it's dinner time, carl. don't you have a date with molly, you creepy son-of-a bitch? old carl had a little trouble at the office. he needs to borrow four million dollars. oh shit! oda mae! we're in trouble. they want the check. they're comin' to kill you. we gotta get outta here. it's them. they're heading for the door. no they won't. i'm gonna get 'em. whataya mean? i'm a ghost, aren't i? he's dead, oda mae. no. it's not over, oda mae. there's still carl. tell him to hurry! tell her she's wearing the blouse i spilled the margarita on and the earrings i gave her for christmas. gimme a penny quick. empty your purse. on the floor. now. push a penny under the door. tell her it's for luck. i'm sitting beside you. with all my heart. i'd give anything to be alive again, just to feel you once more. no! what's happening to me? get out of here! the fire escape. goodbye, moll. molly?! i can't stay anymore. i know. goodbye, oda mae. thank you. your mama would be proud. i love you, molly. i've always loved you. it's so amazing, moll. the love inside. you take it with you.