arctic warrior, arctic warrior, arctic warrior. this is united states coastguard station north island. over. affirmative, arctic warrior. what type of vessel? say again. over. what is the vessel name, registry, and present position? over. affirmative, arctic warrior. please advise your salvage authority pending registry check. over. arctic warrior, arctic warrior, arctic warrior. this is united states coastguard. over. arctic warrior, arctic warrior, arctic warrior. this is united states coastguard station north island. over. arctic warrior, we have submitted your section four two charlie salvage notification. however, the international maritime authority record for a passenger vessel chimera indicates it was lost at sea in the gulf of oman day two month two year one nine five three. over. arctic warrior, passenger vessel chimera was lost at sea day two month two year one nine five three. over. affirmative, arctic warrior. the vessel chimera was registered to the dobbins kirk line, halifax. nova scotia. date of commission day nine month seven year one nine three two. over. roger, arctic warrior. i say again, our records indicate the passenger vessel chimera was lost at sea. over. affirmative, arctic warrior. this is united states coast guard north island station. over and out. arctic warrior, arctic warrior, arctic warrior. this is united states coastguard station north island. your radio check is affirmative. over.