it's a slow leak. maybe twenty gallons an hour. amidships starboard at the beam. just under the waterline. i don't think it's a problem. i don't know what you're talking about. i just bought this guy a beer. listen, i don't want any trouble, okay -- ? morning everybody. showed him a hell of a lot more than that. it's my pen name. one more? what? maureen. maureen. what's yours? roger? no. could be a fishing boat. out here? what, so a seven hundred foot passenger liner drifted out of spokane harbor and nobody managed to bump into her until now? go on. supposing one of those cables breaks under tow. bring it on, dude. dodge? you alright? they must've scuttled it. nobody just lets a ship float away. ever heard of insurance, big boy? check this out. everything's still here. ticket records, receipts, books of account. looks like one hell of a stick up his ass. coffee? what'd you find up there? she was sailing up north, right? well, suppose she got a little further north than she should have. got stuck in the ice. the passengers and crew evacuated. she froze into the ice pack, which moved further north, where it froze in solid. they write it off. fifty years later, the whole global warming thing happens. the ice melts, she gets loose and floats around til somebody runs into her. nope. so what did happen? you think she's sailing without a crew? you're more practical than superstitious. if this thing turns out to be a ship everybody thought sank a long time ago, we just hit the jackpot. that's a lot of money for somebody to just let float away. maybe they didn't want it back. maybe the whole fat deal was insured. and it looks like somebody got here before us too. you mean, before she sank. probably didn't have time. why not call for help? or uninvited guests. that's what i call a payday. this's gonna hurt a little. what other choices have we got? guess i'll just keep working. i like my job. that's a good thing? it's coming from inside. hey! hey, wait a minute! hey! did you see him? the guy. he just came this way. there's somebody else on this boat. i saw him. just a minute ago. some guy. of course i'm sure. i saw him. it wasn't you. it was somebody else. there's somebody else aboard. i'm telling you, i saw somebody. i don't know who it was. but i saw somebody. maybe six feet. lanky. i didn't get a good look. he was far away. but i saw him. i saw him as sure as you're standing there. maybe that is his boat. so, we find this guy and make a deal with him. so we kill him? maybe he isn't alone. guess that'd be me. again. say we run into this guy again. seen a lota movies. no cowboy shit. right. you're a pal. yup. oh yeah. see you boys later. don't be late, i need my beauty rest. epps. yeah. just a bird. just a stupid bird. because of the gold. so, what? we report this? call the coastguard? hard to say. i'm no doctor. but i'd say he's in a coma. i don't know what else you'd call it. he's breathing on his own, but his pupils are completely blown out. he's totally unresponsive to pain. what happened up there? other than the obvious, there's nothing wrong with him that i can see, not on the outside. greer? he needs a doctor. same. any luck? they're dead in the water that morning. four hours later the captain's relieved of his command. and that evening they issue a general you're saying they mutinied for the gold? only something must've gone wrong. murphy. it's greer. any dizziness? headache, nausea, lights? sudden flashes of light. try wednesday. what? but, who -- ? did you? murphy. looks like part of the general log. "the crew have gone mad with greed and fight among themselves like wild dogs over fresh kill." the same day she supposedly went down. "their lacking diligence has undoubtedly caused the collision. distress calls have been made." the page's missing. then their sos was real. maybe the other ship took the worst of it. it's a good bet they'll be asking a lot of questions when they get here too. murphy? who are you? but -- my god. no!! yeah. yeah, fine. why not? higher. you're gonna miss it. it's not gonna hold us. hey. couldn't sleep. what do you think happened on this boat? the what? are we smart enough to avoid that? when you found me yesterday, at the pool. i'd seen. something. someone. no. someone else. a girl. i'm not sure she was. real. i don't know what else you'd call her. one second she was there, the next she was gone. and i had a kind of hallucination. there were others. i saw them in the pool. drowning. maybe hallucination is the wrong word. it was more than that. as though they were showing me. what happened. no. i think they are, were, just passengers. innocent victims. something bad happened here, murphy. more than just a mutiny. more than just the gold. she said the ship was evil. that we had to leave right away. that if we didn't, we might never leave. i don't know. just lucky i guess. dodge. dodge. get up. check it out. better than starving to death. epps, over. nope. right here. murphy? yeah. fine. i just thought i heard something is all. nothing. let's get outa here. what do we do with him? i can't believe you. dodge's dead and all you can think about is cashing in your share. greer? you okay? greer! let go! murphy! i'm on c deck, cabin 400! get down here now!! could be a stroke. who knows? the general log said the crew were fighting among themselves. "like wild dogs." maybe it was more than that. they went crazy. if the weather holds it might not be so bad. murphy? murphy, this is epps. do you copy? who is this? no!!!! epps to murphy. what happened? what? greer's gone. he broke out of the tank. he's been shot. it was you. you killed them. so you killed them? and now you're gonna kill me, is that it? murphy, don't you see what's happening? it's the ship. the ship's making you think this way. it's a trap. there was no way we were gonna get away with that gold. nobody ever does. it's just the bait. this ship sucks people in and it never lets them out. i don't give a damn about the gold.