murphy, greer, and dodge ready the tug to leave as epps approaches on the dock. she jumps down onto the deck, a spring in her step and a song in her heart. the tug is tied up alongside the chimera, whose dark hull stretches off for seven hundred more feet in the light of day. murphy has backed the tug up to the bow of the chimera. greer operates the deck crane, one of dodge's mammoth cables dangling from it down to the winch on the stern. two tow cables extend from the chimera's anchor alleys down into the water and come up again from the water to the tow anchor on the tug's stern. murphy crosses to the deck house, climbs the stairs. murphy and epps jump from the deck crane as the tug is starting to list to one side. he crosses to the deck house and the open engine room hatch to see that it is rapidly filling with seawater as greer and dodge scramble to set a pump hose over the din of the pumps.