epps moves quickly along. epps stops where she is in the cavernous engine room, looking on at the massive hull rising above her as the rumbling grows in intensity. though it seems to resonate throughout the ship, it seems to originate from here, from directly below, as though the hull were being dragged over a rocky bottom. a few rivets pop in the hull. then a few more, as the rumbling the giant claw begins to pull back, as the ship drifts off, water pouring in behind it. a massive torrent sweeps over epps as seawater pours in through the breach. epps is forced under as the water in the hull is already half way up the side, the ship listing with a great groaning epps comes up for air. a clatter of all manner of debris, tools and general detritus hammers against the far bulkhead as the ship eases over. a boiler breaks loose of its stays.