greer walks up a stairway, stepping into a darkened passageway. the shrieking sounds, this time closer, as it echoes through the ship. he stops, holding there to listen. greer comes out onto another deck, stopping there. he looks down the passageway a beat, then moves on. he passes through a hatchway in a bulkhead when a music box can be distantly heard. he stops. the song is "daisy" . murphy moves quickly down the passageway when his radio sounds. epps steps into the passageway. directly across is the entry to the swimming pool. she walks on. epps walks along in the darkness as the music box continues to play over the radio. she comes to the end of the corridor, stopping there. epps approaches the other end, from where the music emanates, coming to a stop at room 400. a beat as she holds there. epps moves quickly along, raising her radio. epps moves quickly along, coming to the stairway, moving up, almost running into murphy on his way down, carrying a canvas duffle. epps and murphy move quickly along, when another huge booming shudders the ship and the shrieking of metal follows.