dodge moves along as the music box distantly continues. epps steps from room 400 into the passageway. it is lit with sconces running its length and the elegant furnishings and objets d'art stretching to the far end are all in their original condition. distant music from the ballroom can be heard as epps stands there. she moves along. epps walks in the passageway. doors are open and she looks in to see people doing various things, some packing and putting their things in order. epps walks down the passage, rounding the corner to see three stewards fighting with a fourth man in a tuxedo. they lift him up and carry him off down the stairs as he shouts and protests. she moves on, through a pair of double doors, into a commotion can be heard at the other end of the passageway as epps keeps moving. a woman screams, and is cut off when a door slams shut. epps walks along, coming to another door where a dead man and woman are laying in the middle of the room as a steward takes money from a wallet. the steward looks up, reaches over and slams the door shut. she continues on.