go. of course they did. what do you say, dodge? better late than never. you got a leak in the number nine compartment. you pump it out and re-seam the hull, she'll be good as new. fifteen, at the most. you're kidding, right? he'll sell the scrap for three times what he paid. you got that right. you aren't jealous, are you dodge? what seems to be the trouble, ladies? as i said, what seems to be the trouble? i heard you. but i'm choosing to ignore you. epps, let's go. you got about two seconds to get your paws off me, tarzan. epps? candy? red sky in morning, sailor take warning. yeah. alright. i'll be right up. merchant vessel at position one seven four one five west, five seven seven five north. this is tugboat arctic warrior whiskey alpha sierra bravo four zero niner two. over. merchant vessel at one seven four one five west, five seven seven five north, this is tugboat arctic warrior whiskey alpha sierra bravo four zero niner two. over. too deep to anchor out there. what the hell would a freighter be doing up here? it's way out of the lanes. there's not a port for 800 miles. merchant vessel at position one seven four one five west, five seven seven five north, this is tugboat arctic warrior. do you copy? over. steer to one eight five. let's check her out. alright. back it off. hit the lights. whoa, whoa. "chimera." chimera. this is civilian tugboat arctic warrior. is there anyone aboard? chimera, i am hove to at your port bow. is there anyone aboard? epps, come with me. you guys sit tight. we're in a stairwell just under the main superstructure. this is definitely an old boat, maybe sixty years old. she hasn't been in service for at least twenty years. probably a lot longer. it's funny. besides a little rust, everything's pretty well-preserved. how she got out here is one hell of a good question. jesus. sorry. it's a passenger ship. it's a damn passenger ship. there's nobody on that boat. whatever the reason, she's adrift and abandoned. we've got every right to salvage her. we've done it before. you have any idea how much a ship like that could be worth in salvage? the fittings alone could go for a few million. it's a risk i'm willing to take. so we cut her loose and wait it out. a little weather couldn't be anything she hasn't seen before. the damn thing's been floating around for god knows how long and it hasn't hit anything yet. so we take it easy. a little of the old push pull. listen. forget this job's just a pay check for a minute. you know i've been good to you. but i'm prepared to offer you something better now. if we do this right, it's worth a lot of money. a lot of money. salvage fees on a vessel like this could come in around four million bucks. at least. who knows, could be more. could be a lot more. what i'm proposing is. we split it four ways. think about it. a million bucks a piece. you want to spend the rest of your days drag-assing tank barges on the gulf coast, fine. otherwise, let's get to work. united states coastguard, united states coastguard, united states coastguard. this is tugboat arctic warrior whiskey alpha sierra bravo four zero niner two. over. north island, i wish to declare myself salvor-in-posession under section four two charlie of the international maritime convention. a passenger liner. over. a passenger liner, north island. over. passenger vessel "chimera." i will spell: charlie hotel india mary echo romeo alpha. no registry information is available at this time. i have determined to the best of my ability that the vessel has been abandoned on the high seas at position one seven four west, five seven north at. two zero one four hours zulu time. over. roger, north island. arctic warrior over and out. i figure we go through at the unimak pass here. refuel at sanak island. with a little extra fuel, weather permitting, we should make sitka in five days without another stop. the law's on our side. if they want to challenge it, let them try. either way, we found it. it's ours now -- . what is it? how long to fix? some classy tub in it's day, huh? chimera. flag ship of the dobbins kirk line. nova scotia. i'd sure like to get my hands on the general log. yeah. thanks. some charts. a crew manifest. looks like her last voyage was january 1953. the question is where the hell's she been since. her destination was halifax, yeah. as reasonable an explanation as any, i guess. ever heard of the mary celeste? she was a two-masted brig boat sailing out of new york in 1872. one day she was sighted off the coast of portugal by a merchant vessel, the dei gratia. as the crew of the dei gratia got closer, they discovered that no one was at the helm of the mary celeste. on boarding, they found her completely deserted. the captain, his wife, their daughter, and the entire crew, all gone. the last entry in their log made no mention of any trouble. the table was even set for dinner. and in the nine days after the last entry, she sailed 700 miles without anyone aboard. nobody knows. there've been a lot of theories, of course. but we'll never really know for sure. i think we'd be surprised where a drifting ship might wind up with a little wind and the right current. only way to be. what's this? i thought you said it was just a blade. how much longer's that gonna take? i know i know, two ways to do anything -- but how long? we gotta get outa here, dodge. a storm blows up and we're history. what about running number two by itself? how long, then? how long? goddamit, dodge. north island, north island, north island. this is tugboat arctic warrior. over. north island, please repeat? over. north island, have you got any additional information? over. roger, north island. i am tied to the passenger vessel chimera. and she is afloat. repeat, she is afloat. over. roger, north island. please advise pending further information. over. obviously it's some kind of screw up. the shipping records aren't a hundred percent accurate. we all want to get outa here, dodge. especially me. with that boat in tow. you got three days. make the most of it. morning. guess i must've fallen back to sleep. where's epps? she take a radio? hard to say. maybe forty, fifty million. yes, it is. it's a hell of a lot of money. a ship with fifty million dollars in gold aboard, adrift? and nobody seems to care enough to come looking for it? not for fifty million. an ocean liner maybe. but fifty million in gold, they come looking for. maybe. but there's always somebody whose interest's at stake. then it happened before they scuttled her. that it could. either way, they must've had a pretty good reason. a salvage claim to a vessel's cargo's as valid as a claim to the vessel itself. it's ours. it looks like it. we leave it where it is. stick to the plan. so we get a little more for the boat. besides, the gold'll be safer where it is. it's worth the effort. believe me. besides we're gonna need her to prove the salvage. for now the best thing we can do is to keep quiet about this. dodge, you gotta get on those repairs. the sooner we get under way, the sooner we are to spending what's ours. terrific. how's that leg? we could call for help. united states coastguard, this is tugboat arctic warrior whiskey alpha sierra bravo four zero niner two. radio check. over. roger that, north island. arctic warrior whiskey alpha sierra bravo four zero niner two. over and out. not much at all, i guess. retire. live out my golden years and all that. how about you epps? greer? dreamin's all any of you're gonna be doing if we don't get this boat running. warm water current maybe, making the metal expand. take it easy, you'll live longer. who? what guy? what? what the hell're you talking about. are you sure? you sure it wasn't me? if somebody's aboard her already, she ain't ours. she's theirs. not in the eyes of the law. we don't exactly have the best bargaining position. and what do you propose? that we knock this guy off? let's just take it easy here, alright? nobody's gonna kill anybody. would you hold on just a minute here, please? look, there's no reason to panic now. epps saw somebody. fine. it's a big boat. chances're real good he doesn't even know about the gold. if we stay cool, nobody'll be the wiser. the gold stays where it is til we're ready to go. like i said, it'll be a hell of a lot safer there than here. we'll stand a watch. four on, eight off. low man first. dodge, get on that turbine. i don't care if you don't sleep for a week. the sooner you're done, the sooner we can get out of here. how's the food situation? we'll have to take it easy then. i don't think we'll find much aboard the ship, but it's probably worth looking around. if he's reasonable, maybe we can make some kind of deal. if not. we'll have to re-consider our options. no cowboy shit up there, understand? got your light? murphy to epps. murphy to epps. you just shoot at something? couldn't have happened much more than a month ago. bodies're too fresh. greek citizen. merchant navy. obviously we aren't the first to come across this ship. they probably stumbled across it just like we did. could be meant as a warning. that'd be my guess. maybe. dodge, if this isn't incentive enough to fix that boat, i don't know what is. can't you use something else? do what you need to do. just do it fast. captain relieved of command. this is murphy. anybody trying to call me? over. greer? dodge? who is this? who is this!! greer! dodge! murphy. what is it? he must've seen something. just before i heard him yell there was somebody on the radio. i don't know. no. not greer. somebody. it was a man's voice. repeating some sort of children's rhyme. i don't know, it didn't make any sense. you didn't hear it? i'll call us in. dodge, see how many signal flares you can scrounge up. keep an eye on him. united states coastguard, united states coastguard, united states coastguard. this is tugboat arctic warrior whiskey alpha sierra bravo four zero niner two. over. united states coastguard, united states coastguard, united states coastguard. this is tugboat arctic warrior whiskey alpha sierra bravo four zero niner two. over. mayday. mayday. mayday. to any vessel. this is arctic warrior. arctic warrior. arctic warrior. whiskey alpha sierra bravo four zero niner two. last known position one seven four west, five seven north. i am afloat and drifting. require immediate medical assistance for one person, possibly comatose. i am a one hundred twenty foot civilian tug, hove to at port bow of disabled passenger liner chimera. i repeat, chimera. over. how's he doing? no. i'll try again later. possibly false. hence the ima record of being lost at sea. i don't think mutiny's out of the question here. if they knew what they were carrying. if they were close enough to shore, they probably figured they could get away in the lifeboats. how do you mean? i guess the best strategy's just to tell them the truth. what do you propose? there's no way we're gonna hide a few thousand pounds of gold from the coastguard here. besides, it'll be safer where it is. tell you what, dodge. once we get back to shore, you can do whatever you want with your share. but until then, the gold stays right where it is. just what the hell do you think you're doing?! i think you know. the radio! you smashed it! don't lie to me! you didn't want us calling anybody. too liable to ruin your big payday. conveniently enough for you. drink up then. how're you feeling? you don't remember? you've been out for about a day. dodge found you out cold in one of the cabins. we heard you scream. any idea what you might've seen? the ah. the radio's out. somebody took it out of commission last night. smashed it up pretty bad. regardless of how it happened, there isn't much of a chance to fix it. the odds of another vessel in range of the walkie-talkies are almost astronomical. so, as of today, we're pretty much on our own out here. february first. must not've been the captain's entry. he was probably out of the picture by then. collision? with what? but where's the damage? if it was a ship she hit. yeah. what the hell happened! alright. everybody grab your gear! this' is where we get off! dodge! that just about says it all. the coast guard has our last position. they'll send somebody out soon enough. a ship this size you can't exactly miss. let 'em ask. this ship's legally ours now. easy, easy. shut up. i said, shut the hell up. both of you. i don't want to hear it again. so just stow it. you understand? we don't need this right now. you shouldn't be down here alone. if money can buy what he wants. then you're a lucky man. we'll stand the watch on deck tonight. you're up first. you okay? tomorrow we'll see if we can't find some line and tackle. use some of those bodies below decks for bait. let's just hope somebody sees us first out here. it's a noaa buoy. government weather. it's got a transmitter aboard. let's go, let's go, let's go. the mooring hasn't come taught. doesn't matter. damn it. hey. wish i could say the same. i guess that's the sixty four thousand dollar question, isn't it? never mind. before your time. i think at least some of the crew went a little nuts. the usual stuff that happens when people stumble on a fortune. equal parts greed and paranoia, usually resulting in homicide. what happened after that is anybody's guess. but, judging by our greek friends down below, it doesn't look like the last time. i don't know, are we? not our mystery guest again. not real? what, like some kind of ghost? showing you what? maybe it was one of them did the handy work on those greeks. victims of what? that much i think we've already established. what's that supposed to mean? why you? how come the rest of us haven't seen these people? well. getting off this ship's exactly what we're trying to do. short of that, i don't know what else to tell you. do me a favor and wake up dodge. he's next on. and epps? you can tell the others about this. but, for my money, i think it's best you keep it to yourself. you're late. don't fall asleep. dodge? murphy to epps. either of you seen dodge? he's not on deck and i can't raise him on the radio. he took the shotgun and a light. alright. we stay together. nobody goes any further than earshot. murphy to dodge. murphy to dodge. over. murphy to dodge. do you copy? over. epps? you there? greer? so whoever did this now has our shotgun. leave him till we can get some help. from now on, nobody comes down here. leave it. you think whoever did this is reasonable? nobody's going anywhere with that gold now. anybody tries to board, we'll know about it. you can do what you want, greer. but neither of us is gonna risk saving your ass down here if it comes to that. must've been him all along. smashed the radio. scuttled the boat. killed dodge. would've killed you. he's off his nut, no doubt there. what do you think? over the gold. crazy with greed. not crazy. not like him. we lash a few of these together it might get us far enough into the shipping lanes to be rescued. hard to say which is worse, staying here or taking our chances in open water. it's not the weather i'm worried about. the wrong current could drag us as far as the aleutians before we come across another boat. epps to murphy. we hit land. we're in an island chain. it's only a matter of time before we hit another one. let's get the hell out of here. it should be enough to get us to one of those islands. gimme a hand, wouldya? prop it here. we need to pull these braces off. there's a hammer on the stand. there. i'll take that. it was only a matter of time before somebody killed somebody. you saw it coming as well as i did. dodge had his plans, starting with scuttling the boat. and greer too, except he went nuts. couldn't take it, i guess. could've happened in the middle of downtown anchorage. but did it make him any less dangerous? i don't think so. the way i figure it, it was them or me. i thought putting dodge up on that pipe was a nice touch? bought a little time. made it look like whoever killed those greeks was still around. but it's just us on this ship. us and your. spirit friends. i didn't want it to turn out this way. i think i see it pretty well. i know a little bit about human nature and what i've seen only confirms that. i think maybe you been on this boat a little too long, with all that supernatural mumbo jumbo. there's nothing supernatural about greed. and that's what it comes down to, pure and simple. i wish i could believe that. either way, you know what i've done. i've got no choice. i'm sorry. there's no reason to make this any more difficult than it has to be.