as it drifts along the side of the chimera. murphy drops the line down, the buoy bouncing on the swell. the buoy approaches, rising and falling with the swell. the loop is too low. it's going to miss the mark as the buoy drifts toward it, when the swell drops and the buoy goes down. and the loop catches on the wind gauge. it drops with the swell, the line stretching, then swinging the giant concrete buoy float into the side of the hull with a huge booming clang. as the buoy falls again with a swell and slams into the side of the ship. the water returns, lifting it high. the buoy rises fully from the water, all three tons of it, and as it does, the wind gauge's steel mount begins to bend. the gauge mount snaps and the docking line flails free, sending the buoy hurtling back into the water in a curtain of spray, whipping wildly from side to side.