have you seen my blue spatula? not if i don't find that goddamn spatula. are you still looking for a job? do you have any leads? it's tough to find a good job without any kind of training. well, i think it's good to keep all your options open. you can always enroll for the winter quarter. you could even live here and go to the city college part time, and still get a job if you wanted to. did i tell you who i ran into at the bagel place? guess. someone from the past. give up? maxine. yup. pumpkin? could you come in here for a minute? pumpkin, do you remember maxine? i made spaghetti. do you want some? i have some good news for you, pumpkin. are you still looking for a job? well, maxine thinks she can get you a sales job at computer station. normally you have to have references and at least two years of experience, but she thinks she can convince them. pumpkin? what's wrong? if there's something wrong i wish you'd tell me about it. i've got some important news to tell you, but it can wait till later if you're not feeling. well. as you know, maxine and i have been seeing a lot of each other, and we decided it might be a good idea for all of us if she came back here to live at the end of the summer, just so we can all get to know each other and to make sure this is what we want. pumpkin, are you in there? about what? yeah, i heard about that. she understands what you're going through and she really wants to help you. she says that job at computer station is still available if you want it. actually, i was just checking to see if you were here - your friend seymour is on his way up. i just buzzed him in. but i can't -- i'm not sure when she'll be back.