that piece is entitled "mirror. father. mirror." i like to show it to people i'm meeting for the first time because it says so much about who i am and what it feels like to inhabit my specific skin. and this is exactly what i'm hoping to get from each of you over the course of this summer: a picture of your own self-exploration. my own background is in video and performance art, but i'm hoping that doesn't influence you and that you'll find your own ways of externalizing the internal. at the end of the summer, this class has been invited, along with several others in the area, to participate in a show of high-school art at the neighborhood activity center. the title of the show will be "brotherhood and community: art as dialogue." i think the "brotherhood" theme ties in nicely with the theme of self-discovery that i'd like to emphasize in this class. are there any questions so far? great. i'm not going to start a discourse on the subject of "good" art vs. "bad" art; these judgments are for each person to make on his own. i merely want to help each of you find the best way to look within yourselves the best key to your particular lock. last week i asked you to-try and create a piece of artwork that responds to something that you have strong feelings about. and it looks like we have some really interesting work up here. what can you tell, us about your piece. uh. . phillip? my goodness! i thought maybe this was supposed to be your father. and what can you tell us about this. i think that phillip and enid can help us to see that there are-many different ways we can express ourselves. we can do things like these cartoons that are amusing as a sort of light entertainment or we can do work that is more serious in scope and feeling and that deals with issues; emotional, spiritual, political; of great importance. i hope that you will each have the tools to do that type of work by the end of this class. (pause, points at talk to us about it. isn't this a wonderful piece, class? this definitely falls into that higher category of art i was speaking of earlier. who is this, enid? and what was your reason for choosing him as your subject? i see. interesting. what do we have here, margaret? i can see that. now what can you tell us about it? first of all, what kind of sculpture is this? very good. now, what can you tell us about it in regard to your artistic intent? this shocking image of repressed femininity! i think it's really a wonderful piece, margaret! this illustrates perfectly what i was saying about not being afraid to use controversial imagery, class. let's address some discussion to this piece. can you tell us why? these are all valid comments, but i think we should see if the artist has anything to bring to this. did you actually do this painting? and how do you think this addresses the subject of racism? and how does an image like this help us to see that? i don't really know what to say, enid. . it's a remarkable achievement. smile, enid. i'm going to miss you people. i feel that we've all done a lot of growing this summer. i hope that each of you feels as though you'll be taking away something from this experience; i know i certainly will be. remember, the art show is this saturday at seven-thirty sharp. try to get there at least 15 minutes early. enid, can i talk to you for a minute? don't worry - it's nothing bad. i was just wondering what your plans were for next year? well, i know this is really short notice, but i got a call from a very close friend at the academy of art & design and she tells me that i'm allowed to place one student from your graduating class in a one year scholarship program. and, well, i hope you don't mind, enid, but i took the liberty of submitting your name. as far as i know it includes housing and meals and everything. it is really quite an offer. so what do you think? well, yes. let me know as soon as you can, enid. this could be a great thing for you. i will do no such thing. i think we should give the artist a chance to talk to the parents about her intentions with this piece. we should be promoting discussion as a solution, not censorship. margaret, have you seen enid? just a minute. enid! i'm so sorry about what happened. the whole business with the art show and the newspaper -- it's absolutely -- didn't principal jaffee call you? oh my goodness. well, the whole thing is just ridiculous, and as soon as the school board is back in session next fall i'm going to do everything i can to help you. well they're forcing me to give you a non-passing grade in the class because of what happened at the exhibition. but don't worry -- i'm sure i'll be able to get you your diploma in the fall! i'm sorry, enid - you have to be an official high school graduate before i can nominate you. i had to give it to someone else. but i'm sure next year i can --