frank, do you think you could give me a hand with these bags? you're also a human being, frank. thank you, frank. i'll get the hang of this eventually. thank you, frank. oh, are you ever going to fix the radiator in my bedroom? i asked you last week. no, you didn't, frank. that's exactly what you said last week. she reaches for the handlebar of the buggy, but the buggy rolls forward just out of her reach and stops. surprised by the movement, she reaches for the handlebar again, but this time the buggy rolls away even further. alarmed now, dana hurries after it, but the buggy keeps rolling down the street at ever increasing speed. she puts her head down and sprints after the buggy like an olympian. she is carefully cleaning a 19th century landscape painting, still preoccupied by the extraordinary near-accident with the buggy. janosz watches her for a moment, then comes up behind her and looks over her shoulder. oh, yes, i got in a little late this morning, janosz. thank you, janosz. i've learned a lot here, but now that my baby's a little older, i was hoping to rejoin the orchestra. actually, i'm not eating lunch today. i have an appointment. in fact, i'd better go. i'm sorry. perhaps some other time. and then the buggy just suddenly stopped dead in the middle of the street hundreds of people. believe me, i didn't imagine this. what are you working on, egon? okay, whatever you think -- but not venkman. do you ever see him? how is he these days? does he ever mention me? well, we didn't part on very good terms and we sort of lost track of each other when i got married. i thought of calling him after my marriage ended, but --. anyway, i appreciate you're doing this, egon this is my address and telephone number. will you call me? egon, i'd rather you didn't mention any of this to peter if you don't mind. thank you. hi, ray. it's good to see you. thanks for coming. hi, egon. hello, peter. i have. that's why i didn't call you first. he didn't "ditch" me. we had some problems, he got a good offer from an orchestra in england and he took it. you never asked me, and every time i brought it up you'd get drowsy and fall asleep. well, when you started introducing me as "the old ball and chain," that's when i left. what do you think? his name is oscar. peter, this is serious. i need to know if you think there's anything unusual about him. i'll do it. we definitely had a moment or two. that's where the buggy stopped. a little to the left. right there! that's where it stopped. peter, do you think maybe i have some genetic problem or something that makes me vulnerable to these supernatural things. janosz? we're fine, janosz. no, everything's fine. honestly. thanks anyway. good night, janosz. i wish i could stay. i feel personally responsible for you being here. please don't say that. you won't go to prison. you mean you cough up hairballs all over the rug? good luck. she stops, vaguely aware of the movement, and looks up curiously at the painting. as she starts to walk on, vigo looks at her again, but dana turns suddenly and catches the movement. frightened now, she hastily leaves the studio. oh, hello, peter. i didn't paint it. i'm just cleaning it. it's an original ver meer. it's worth about ten million dollars. i'm sure you didn't come here just to talk about art. oh, i'm sorry. this is peter venkman. peter, janosz poha. he was also a lunatic and a genocidal madman. i hate this painting. i've felt very uncomfortable since they brought it up from storage. good-bye, peter. she stops, vaguely aware of the movement, and looks up curiously at the painting. as she starts to walk on, vigo looks at her again, but dana turns suddenly and catches the movement. frightened now, she hastily leaves the studio. look at you. i think we got more food on your shirt than we got in your mouth. still unaware, she routinely reaches over and squirts some bubble bath into the tub. she picks the baby up off the bassinet and turns to place him in the tub. she is just about to lower him into the water when the tub starts to close up around the baby like a hugh mouth. dana screams, snatches the baby away and runs from the room clutching oscar to her bosom as the bathtub convulses and vomits up buckets of slime. i'm sorry. were you on your way out? peter, the bathtub tried to eat oscar. i must be losing my mind. at the museum today i could have sworn that terrible painting of vigo looked right at me. i don't know what to do anymore. peter, what about the bathtub? it was full of this awful pink ooze. peter, this is very nice, but you don't have to do any of this, you know. really? and how would we handle the sleeping arrangements? how about you on the sofa and me in bed with the baby. thank you. poor baby. i think i should put him down now. yes, i'm very clean. did they find anything at my apartment? they didn't find anything? in the bathtub . the pink ooze . nothing? so, what do i do now? i'm not here to date. i can't leave oscar in a strange place with someone i don't know. does she know anything about babies? okay, but it's not a date. it's a dinner. i put them in your hamper. i thought they were dirty. hi. i want to stop getting involved with men who aren't good for me. for one night in your life, do you think it's possible for us to be completely real? oh, peter, i didn't dump you. i just had to protect myself. you really weren't very good for me, you know. why do you say things like that? you're so much better than you know. so why don't you give me a jingle in the year 2000? maybe i should call janine. maybe we should discuss this somewhere else. i know what you were doing, louis. it's all right. typical. peter was arrested. has he called? is everything all right with oscar? oh, good. i'll just check on him. you know you really don't have to stay. peter should be back soon. excuse me. i think oscar is up. louis! she watches in helpless horror. no!! she watches the creature fly off with oscar, then climbs back through the window assisted by louis and janine. louis, you have to find peter and tell him what happened. to get my baby back. what do you want with my baby? if this is what the world will be like, i don't want to live in it. everybody has a choice. i don't care who he is. he's not taking my baby. she turns and looks at vigo, for the first time feeling his power. we don't have a relationship. i hate and despise you and everything you stand for with all my heart and soul. i could never forgive what you've done to me and my child. i'd rather not. i think he likes you. i think i do too. that's not true. it was 1620. that's a terrible thing to say.