can i help you? i'm jack hardemeyer. i'm the mayor's assistant. what can i do for you? i know who you are, doctor venkman. busting any ghosts lately? look, you stay away from the mayor. next fall, barring a disaster, he's going to be elected governor of this state and the last thing we need is for him to be associated with two-bit frauds and publicity hounds like you and your friends. you read me? how are you doing, hon? just put these guys away fast and make sure they go away for a long, long time. good. very good. the mayor and future governor won't forget this. nice going, venkman. violating a judicial restraining order, willful destruction of public property, fraud, malicious mischief -- smooth move. see you in a couple years -- at your first parole hearing. that's quite a story. before you go running to the newspapers with this, would you consider telling this slime thing to some people downtown? he laughs off the remark. the mayor wants them kept under strict observation for a few days. we think they're seriously disturbed and potentially dangerous. look, i've had it with you. get your stuff together, get back in that clown car and get out of here. this is a city matter and everything's under control. this is dynamite. call a.p., u.p.i., and c.n.n. and get them down here right away. when the police bring this kid out i want them to hand it right to the mayor and i want it all on camera. this is preposterous! you can't seriously believe all this mumbo-jumbo! it's the twentieth century, for crying out loud! look, mister, i don't know what this stuff is or how you got it all over the museum, but you better get it off and i mean right now! happy new year, everybody!