still working on the turner? you know, you are really doing very good work here. i think soon you may be ready to assist me in some of the more important restorations. we'll be very sorry to lose you. perhaps i could take you to lunch today? every day i ask you, and every day you've got something else to do. do i have bad breath or something? okay, i'll take a raincheck on that. i think she likes me. he touches his brush to the canvas and a powerful current of red, crackling energy surges through the brush and courses through his body, driving him to his knees. command me, lord. hello, dana. i happened to be in the neighborhood and i thought i'd stop by to see if everything's all right with you -- you know, with the blackout and everything? are you okay? is the baby all right? do you need anything? you want me to come in? okay, just thought i'd check. good night, dana. sleep well. don't let the bedbugs bite you. dana, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend? pleasure to meet you. i've seen you on television. it's a painting i'm restoring for the new byzantine exhibition. it's a self-portrait of prince vigo, the carpathian. he ruled most of carpathia and moldavia in the 17th century. we don't go around altering valuable paintings, dr. venkman. my pleasure. dr. venkman? dana is not here. then why have you come? the upper west side. what exactly are you looking for, dr. venkman? it must be the chemical fumes in the studio. people start imagining things -- he escorts the ghostbusters to the door. so you see, everything is in order, is it not? yes, the scourge -- -- the sorrow -- i await the word of vigo. lord vigo, the mother, dana, is fine and strong. i was wondering -- well, would it be possible -- if i bring the baby, could i have the woman? i knew you would come. no harm will come to the child. you might even say it's a privilege. he will be the vessel for the spirit of vigo. and you -- well, you will be the mother of the ruler of the world. doesn't that sound nice? i don't believe we have the luxury of choice. not in this case, my dear. take a look. that's not gainsborough's blue boy up there. he's vigo! you will see. it's all for the best. time is running out, dana. soon it will be midnight and the city will be mine -- and vigo's. well, mainly vigo's. but we have a spectacular opportunity to make the best of our relationship. i know. marry me, dana, and together we will raise vigo as our son. there are many perks that come with being the mother of a living god. i'm sure he will supply for us a magnificent apartment. and perhaps a car and free parking. many marriages begin with a certain amount of distance, but after a while i believe we could learn to love each other. think about it. you pitiful, miserable creatures! you dare to challenge the power of darkness? don't you realize what you are dealing with? he's vigo! you are like the buzzing of flies to him. what happened? that's very kind of you. is that good?