i want to make one thing very clear before we go any further. the law does not recognize the existence of ghosts, and i don't believe in them either, so i don't want to hear a lot of malarkey about goblins and spooks and demons. we're going to stick to the facts in this case and save the ghost stories for the kiddies. understood? so noted. the witness is leading him. sustained. sustained. mr. tully, do you have anything to ask this witness that may have some bearing on this case? keep that up, mister, and i'll find you in contempt. does the counsel for the defense wish to make any final arguements? yes. get on with it, counselor! he stares at louis, astonished at his summation. that's it? that's all you have to say? that was unquestionably the worst presentation of a case i've ever heard in a court of law! i ought to cite you for contempt and have you disbarred. as for your clients, peter venkman, raymond stantz and egon spengler, on the charges of conspiracy, fraud and the willful destruction of public property, i find you guilty on all counts. i order you to pay fines in the amount of $25,000 each and i sentence you to eighteen months in the city correctional facility at ryker's island. and on a more personal note, let me go on record as saying that there is no place in decent society for fakes, charlatans and tricksters like you who prey on the gullibility of innocent people. you're beneath the contempt of this court. and believe me, if my hands were not tied by the unalterable fetters of the law, a law which has become in my view far too permissive and inadequate in it's standards of punishment, i would invoke the tradition of our illustrious forebearers, reach back to a sterner, purer justice and have you burned at the stake! he looks up in terror at the two huge apparitions looming above him and recognizes them immediately. oh, my god! the scoleri brothers! holding his gavel like a pitiful weapon, he crawls over to the defense table where venkman, stantz and spengler are now crouched, assessing the spectral intruders. you've got to do something! they're the scoleri brothers. i tried them for murder. they were electrocuted up at ossining in '48. now they want to kill me. you've got to stop them. please! he is just about hysterical with fear. all right! all right! i'm recinding the order. case dismissed!! now do something!