i think you're making a big mistake here, fellas. i do mostly tax law and some probate stuff occasionally. i got my law degree at night school. gee, the whole city's against us. i think i'm going to be sick. should i say that? so like you were just trying to help out your old friend because she was scared and you didn't really mean to do anything bad and you really love the city and won't ever do anything like this again, right? okay, let me rephrase that question. didn't you once coach a basketball team for underprivileged children? do i? no, i guess not. your witness. your honor, may i approach the bench? can i have some of your water? your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the -- audience. i don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. okay, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. i was stuck in an elevator for about three hours and i had to go to the bathroom the whole time, but i don't blame them because once i turned into a dog and they helped me. thank you. did i forget something? he stands up and looks around fearfully. violating a judicial restraining order could expose my clients to serious criminal penalties. as their attorney i'd have to advise them against it. he crawls out from under a chair. reporters and spectators get back on their feet and start buzzing about the incredible manifestation. what is it, honey? don't worry. we're not moving. he is. ghostbusters. oh, geez, smells like somebody took a really big -- he runs right into a wall, recovers and exits in a hurry. help! there's a thing! his eyes light up and he stomps the foot pedal. gotcha! uh-oh. okay, stinky, this is it. showdown time. you and me, pal. you think you're smarter than i am? we'll see about that. oh, hello, pizza man! oh, two larges! i only ordered one. oh, pepperoni and pineapple. my absolute favorite. i guess i'll have to eat these both by myself. he spots slimer through the rearview mirror. okay, let's boogie! oh migod! i'm sorry. i didn't mean to do that. it was an accident. i was trying to get that smelly green thing. the guys asked me to help out. i'm like the fifth ghostbuster. oh, no, it's just if one of the guys calls in sick or gets hurt. no, i celebrate at the beginning of my corporate tax year which is march first. that way i beat the crowds. janine, do you feel like maybe getting something to eat on the way home? oh, sure, that sounds great. so these dwarfs had a limited partnership in a small mining operation and then one day a beautiful princess came to live with them. so they bartered room and board in exchange for housekeeping services, which was a good deal for all of them because then they didn't have to withhold tax and social security, which i'm not saying is right but it's just a story, so i guess it's all right. i can finish this later if you're tired. okay. tonight? oh, hello, dana. we were just -- we were -- no, nobody called. should we go? you're right. we should stay. oh no, we don't mind. where're you going? come on, sherm. you're my cousin. do this for me. i'm begging you. why can't you just have them released? you're a doctor. sherman, i've done lots of favors for you. i got you out of those bad tax shelters. i fixed you up with diane troxler and she put out, didn't she? i'm telling you, we're all going to be in big trouble if we don't do something fast. that ghost guy came and took my friend's baby and we got to get it back. it's just a scared little baby, sherm. do you believe it now, sherm? oh, i pulled a few strings. i wouldn't want to say any more than that. this is my cousin sherman. sherm, say hello to the ghostbusters. i promised him a ride in the car if he got you out. hey! wait! okay, i'll meet you there. i let them handle all the little stuff. i just come in on the big ones. actually, they still think you're crazy, but i convinced them you're not dangerous. i brought everything you asked for and i gassed up the car with super unleaded. it cost twenty cents more than regular unleaded but you get much better performance and in an old car like this that'll end up saving you money in the long run. i put it on my credit card, so you can either reimburse me or i can take it out of petty cash -- hey! wait! okay, i'll meet you there. oh, yeah, sure -- no. but there's really not much to do here and they might need some back-up at the museum. uh -- oh -- well, i better hurry. okay, so monday night we'll get something to eat and maybe go bowling? can you bowl with those little arms? okay, i have to go save dana. i'll see you later. am i too late?