all right -- the ghostbusters. i'll tell you right now; i've got two hundred of the heaviest campaign contributors in the city out there eating bad roast chicken waiting for me to give the speech of my life. you've got two minutes. make it good. being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every new yorker's god-given right. what am i supposed to do -- go on television and tell eight million people they have to be nice to each other? i'm sorry, none of this makes any sense to me, and if anything does happen we've got plenty of paid professionals to deal with it. your two minutes are up. good night, gentlemen. are you telling me there're people trapped in there? can you get into that museum? you know why all these things are happening? okay, just tell me what you need. we just had it restored. what! this is way too much. we won't pay. all right, all right. if you can wait until monday i'll issue you a check.