it shouldn't be hard with this list of charges. mr. fianella, please look at exhibits a through f on the table over there. do you recognize that equipment? do you know what this equipment is used for? may i remind the court that the defendants are under a judicial restraining order that specifically forbids them from performing services as paranormal investigators and eliminators. now, mr. fianella, can you identify the substance in the jar on the table marked exhibit f? she goes to the exhibit table and picks up a specimen jar containing the slime sample stantz removed from the tunnel. objection, your honor. he's leading the witness. objection. irrelevant and immaterial. so, dr. venkman, please explain to the court why it is you and your co-defendants took it upon yourselves to dig a big hole in the middle of the street. i'll ask you again, dr. venkman. why were you digging the hole? and please remember that you're under oath. so what are you saying? that the world of the supernatural is your special province? she sprints for the door, pursued by one of the scoleri brothers. she's lying on the floor, attended to by the bailiff and the court clerk.