did anyone else see this happen? i'm not saying you did. in science we always look for the simplest explanation. we'll start with the negative calibration. i'm trying to determine whether human emotional states have a measurable effect on the psychomagnetheric energy field. it's a theory ray and i were working on when we had to dissolve ghostbusters. they think they're here for marriage counseling. we've kept them waiting for two hours and we've been gradually increasing the temperature in the room. it's up to 95 degrees at the moment. now my assistant is going to enter and ask them if they'd mind waiting another half-hour. we'll do the happiness index next. i'd like to bring ray in on your case, if it's all right with you. oh no. occasionally venkman? i think he was borderline for a while there. then he crossed the border. no. not that i can recall. good. send in the puppy. certainly. i won't. now let's see how she reacts when we take away the puppy who was that? this one's interesting. berlin, 1939, a flower cart took off by itself and rolled approximately half a kilometer over level ground. three hundred eyewitnesses. good idea. hello, venkman. i think they're more interested in my epididymis. he's taking a complete set of body and head measurements of the baby with a tape measure and calipers. i'd like to have a stool specimen i think we should see if we can find anything abnormal on the street. why don't we try the giga-meter? that's a thousand million electron volts. fine! it's cutting fine now. why are we cutting? uh - boss! yo. you were supposed to help me with this. very intense. we need a deeper reading. somebody has to go down there. the new york pneumatic railway. it was an experimental subway system. fan-forced air-trains, built around 1870. what's the reading? his nickname is "the hammer." it may be ebbing and flowing from some tidal source. i doubt that they'd believe us. way to go. concise and to the point. brilliant summation. i'm egon -- you mean the ghostbusters hot beverage thermal mugs and free balloons for the kids? we've found it at every event site we've been to lately. "vigo the carpathian, born 1505, died 1610 --" no, not exactly a man of the people. "also known as vigo the cruel, vigo the torturer, vigo the despised, and vigo the unholy." it's a rough translation from the moldavian. this entire room is extremely hot, peter. there's definitely something going on in that studio. the pke levels were max-plus and the giga-meter was showing all red. you know, animals and lower life forms often anticipate major disasters. given the new magnetheric readings we could see a tremendous breeding surge in the cockroach population. six feet -- seven -- eight -- nine feet -- ten -- no, the slime is rising. if you two are looking for a fight, you got one. who wants it first? come on, ray. try me, sucker. strip! right now! get out of those clothes! and it's all flowing right to this spot. and it's all flowing toward the museum. this won't wait until tomorrow, venkman. it's hot and it's ready to pop. look, we're not drunk and we're not crazy. this is a matter of vital importance. you're wasting valuable time! we have reason to believe that vigo is drawing strength from a psychomagnetheric slime flow that's been collecting under the city. full neutronas, maser assist. it won't work. there's no way we could generate enough positive energy to crack that shell. we need something that everyone can get behind, a symbol -- something good -- there's nothing under that toga but 300 tons of iron and steel. we've got full power. with a water temperature of forty degrees we'd survive approximately fifteen minutes. it's working. the positive gev's are climbing. i'm worried. the vibrations could shake her to pieces. we should have padded her feet. hi there. feel free to try something stupid. don't shoot! you'll hit ray! he's breathing. he's fine, ray. physically intact, psychomagnetherically neutral. late renaissance, i think. caravaggio or brunelleschi. sorry. no checks. company policy. it's probably the first thing my grandparents saw when they came to this country. they came from ostrov in eastern poland.